CS May 2023 | Page 2

Founder Editor KANU SANYAL
Editorial Board Arvind Sinha Shambhu Mahato Nand Kishore Singh
Vol . 15 Issue : 05 May , 2023 e-mail : clastrugle @ yahoo . co . in Web site : www . classstruggle . in
On Other Pages : 1 . Editorial :
Workers and Toilers ! 3
2 . Articles : May Day 4 Reversal of Land Reforms 6 Higher Education in India 8 Women Wrestlers Struggle 11
3 . Document : Communist Manifesto 12
4 . Communist Movemet : The Proletarian Class 20
5 . World : Sudan 23
6 . Statements Karnataka Farmer ’ s Organisations 24
7 . Pamphlet : Visakha Steel Plant 25
8 . From the States - Odisha 26 - Concor Railway 26
9 . Songs The Internationale-Eugène Pottier 28 Keep the Red Flag Flying 28
For Details :
Class Struggle 32-13-26 / 1 , M . R . Puram , Vijayawada , pin-520 010 . from page 03
Worker and Toiler !.... instrument for the emancipation of workers and toiling people . This has become a bane and a great enemy to the workers and toiling people . Those who have been adopting communist ideology claiming socialism and reformism have stopped there itself . They fell-back in raising awareness and developing class consciousness among workers and toiling people against the exploiting classes – the big-bourgeoisie and landlord force . Some of them went even to the extent of bringing divisionist and side-tracking ideologies and ideas to the fore . They organised unions and associations based on caste and religion among the toiling people . Distancing themselves from the communists , they gave bankrupt definitions to awareness and consciousness of the toiling people and the oppressed . Without giving any scope they avoided for a discussion whether socialism or capitalism to be followed and adopted , they are pushing the toiling people to fall prey to the capitalist ideology and its ideas . These ideologies have befriended with economism and reformism are disrupting and destroying the unity among organised force of toiling people and scattering it .
The imperialist and capitalist forces throughout the world are in a permanent crises . They are reeling under continuous crises and are without any respite as a result of their avaricious and anarchic system leading to stagflation . Their economies are in turmoil and disorder . To overcome these crises they are adopting the tactics of oppression and relief ( carrot and stick ) policy with workers and the toiling people . They are using unrestrained violence against the forces of workers and toilers , in their respective countries . They are throwing the burden of their crises onto the shoulders of workers and toiling people . They are fighting for markets and battling for territories and shifting the burden of these wars also onto the shoulders of toiling people of the world . The imperialist forces have globalised exploitation and plunder . The comprador bourgeoisie and feudal forces of different and various countries are helping the imperialist exploitation and plunder .
Today the conflict and dispute is continuing between the imperialist forces and the oppressed people of the world .
Hence the oppressed people and the toilers of the world selling their labourpower , have to form into an united force basing on the slogans of democracy , socialism and world peace . The toiling people of our country have to organise and form into a strong and mighty fighting force for democracy and socialism . They have to remove imperialist , big-bourgeoisie and landlord classes from the power by overthrowing them .
May Day is not mere a day of festivity . It is a day of fight and struggle . It is a day of blood-shed of toilers . The exploiting class announced May Day as a holiday asking to celebrate it as a festival . On this day they even give-away charities , treating it as a festival . They have changed May-Day , as a day of cordiality between the exploiting and the exploited , pacifying the class-anger of workers and toiling people against exploitation and oppression , thus placating with the workers . At the very same time – they exploiting classes are stubbornly refusing to recognise the legally established eight-hour working day by legal enactments – achieved by the workers through their untold scarifies and prolonged struggles . They are deliberately reneging of their own commitments and enactments .
That is why ; May Day coutions the toilers and workers of the entire-world to conduct themselves with highest class consciousness and utmost wakefulness in the existing world situation of imperialist hegemony and exploitation over the world !
This is the inspiration the workers and toilers throughout the world shall draw from the May Day !
Long Live May Day ! Workers of all Countries Unite and Fight against Imperialism to its End !!
Class Struggle