CS May 2022 | Page 5

I conceive of labor as a giant . This giant has the power and strength to do almost anything . His history as you know has been exploitation , betrayal and misleadership . He has been blinded and hypnotized by this poison propaganda to the extent that he is not fully aware of what goes on about him . He does not want war , yet he works for war , pays for war , and sends his sons to a war he does not want . He produces all the necessities of life , yet he has a difficult time getting some of these necessities for himself and his family , and so with his education , culture , amusement .
When this giant finally stands up and lifts his head out of the fog , it will be then that we will have no hysteria , loyalty acts , McCarran Bills , wars , persecution of the minorities , lynchings , rats , inflation , gangsterism , corrupt politicians , Peglers , and what not , but a wonderful MAY DAY . WILLIAM GROPPER
In the history of the American labor movement very few artists share that place of honor and integrity and consistent service occupied by William Gropper . For three decades American workers have found their hopes , their dreams and their bitter anger mirrored in the magnificent drawings and paintings of William Gropper . Gropper ’ s integrity has become a by-word in the field of American culture . He cannot be bribed or bought , nor can he be swerved from his chosen arena of struggle in the defense of the workers and oppressed people of America . Gropper ’ s reputation is an international one . Not only has he drawn for the labor press in a score of lands , but his paintings have an honored place in the galleries of Europe and Asia as well as America .
WE MARCH FOR FREEDOM from want on this May Day . There was a time when our great labor unions could look with pride and confidence on the gains they had won under honest and militant leadership .
That is not the case today . We have come through a period when the sellout artists did their work well . The Taft-Hartley Act has crippled organized labor . President Truman has broken
May - 2022 strike after strike . Supporting the war makers , the Murrays and the Reuthers split the CIO . And honest and militant labor leaders , such as Harry Bridges and Julius Emspak , are thrown in jail . Wage freezes , phony escalator clauses , and skyrocketing prices — these add up to misery for the American people . There can be no freedom and no peace in America without a free and powerful and courageous trade union movement . Recent strikes in coal , railroad , textile and packing house have demonstrated that labor will resist the war profiteers . This resistance must be directed into the building of a great peace movement of the working class . Only the struggle for peace can defend the hard-won gains of the workers .
There can be no freedom for American workers if the Communist Party is outlawed and the Communist leaders jailed . This meant fascism in Germany and in Italy , and it means fascism here . And under fascism , workers are slaves .
Down with the Taft-Hartley Act and the McCarran law !
We march for freedom from want on May Day .
WE MARCH FOR EQUALITY on this May Day , and in defense of our Negro brothers . ” Labor in white skin can never be free , while his brother in black skin is branded !”
It is almost a hundred years since those words were written , but they were never more true than today . The same Truman government that is smashing organized labor has instituted a veritable blood bath among the Negro people .
Because the Negro people are overwhelmingly workers , and because the Negro people understand and oppose the injustice and horror of the Korean war .
The Hitler-like murders of the Negro people must stop ! John Derrick and the seven Martinsville martyrs already dead — the Trenton Six and Willie McGee to die — the bloodbath must end !
On this May Day , we march shoulder to shoulder , Negro and white — for democracy and equality . We march with full understanding and bitter memory of the murder of six million Jews by the fascists of Hitler Germany , and we take a sacred vow that this will not happen here .
We demand an end to segregation ! We demand an end to Jimcrow in every form and manifestation ! We say :
“ Hands off the leaders of the Negro people ! Hands off Paul Robeson , W . E . B . Du Bois and William L . Patterson ! Free Lieutenant Gilbert !
We call for unity of all Negro and white workers !
WE MARCH FOR THE CONSTITUTION of the United States and for the people ’ s Bill of Rights on this May Day .
The Truman government has torn the Constitution to shreds . For the first time in a century and a half , our jails are crowded with political prisoners , Negro and white . Artists , writers , film workers who have taken their stand on the side of the working class are either in jail or facing imprisonment — as are Communists and trade unionists .
Leaders of people ’ s organizations are being jailed daily . Guilt by association or through the testimony of stoolpigeons is becoming the legal pattern of America .
The greatest of all American scholars , W . E . B . Du Bois , leader of the American peace movement and of the Negro liberation movement , has been indicted and faces five years in jail — in spite of his 83 years .
The un-American Committee has become the fascist inquisition of America . Workers , artists , professionals — all who fight for peace and freedom are hailed before it . The Smith Act and the McCarran Bill round out the fascist work of this committee .
Great peoples ’ leaders , like Paul Robeson , are denied passports and virtually imprisoned in America .
Only the working class can restore the Bill of Rights to the American people . Freedom for all Americans to assemble and speak !
We march for the Constitution on May Day !
March on May Day — Tuesday , May 1 st .
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