CS June 2022 | Page 13

economic and political conditions of our country , year after year , from 1957 ; and a committee of the World Bank is in permanent session with the economic department of the Central Government before the budget is presented to the Parliament . In our own country , there is a permanent mission in existence , to advise on various economic problems and to coordinate various economic problems , and coordinate aid from various Western countries and international financial organizations . Thus the World Bank constantly and consistently intervenes in the internal affairs of the aid-receiving country .” ( Ibid - page - 120 , 121 , 122 , 123 , 124 ).
In the present period , the export of finance capital throughout the world has acquired a much bigger volume and being operated in a very organized and effective manner . No need to say that , in India too , the volume of foreign loan has reached such a high level that , to maintain financial balance , the requirement of further loan is keeping on increasing year after year and gradually , our economy is getting increasingly worse and a never-ending financial crisis has already developed . We will look into the details of the same at a later stage . For now , it is established that imperialist exploitation of finance capital throughout the world is on its way in full swing , and underdeveloped - backward countries have already got under their complete grip . Analysis of Feature - 2 ) — In Semi- Colonial countries , imperialism , instead of their direct rule , consigns the reigns of power into the hands of their trained and loyal agents :
Before coming into the main point , it is necessary for us to know about the real history of our independence struggle , because within that history , remained hidden the various examples of betrayal of our big bourgeoisie - big landlord classes and the political party that represents them , the Indian National Congress . The facts behind the so-called independence of our country are still not known to most of the people . Therefore , we have to look
June - 2022 into that particular chapter of the history first .
We all know that there has been a massive and active involvement of the common masses of our country in the independence struggle . We know about many revolutionary struggles such as the Great Revolt , Sepoi Mutiny , Naval Mutiny , etc , and innumerable economic and political struggles of the workers and peasants throughout the country , various democratic movements of the common masses , the fierce street fight of workers , peasants and middleclass people with the British army and so many other forms of struggle against the British Imperialists . As the National Congress Party , the political entity of the big bourgeoisie and big landlord classes of our country , was in the leadership of this national independence struggle , they nullified all these movements of the people of India , and keeping aside all the revolutionary aspirations of the common masses , they embezzled the state power through a peace-treaty with the British Government in 1947 . In this transfer of power , what kind of secret treaty was reached into and under what kind of terms and conditions the matter was settled , is unknown to most of the people of our country . But we all know that , as a result of this treaty , on the one hand , the big bourgeoisie and the big landlord class of our country as well as world imperialism has continuously kept on increasing their wealth year after year , and on the other hand , the common hard-working people of our country kept on getting suppressed , exploited and squished and thereby gradually falling down towards a stage below the poverty line , because of the repression and exploitation of the said big bourgeoisie - big landlord classes as well as imperialism .
Therefore , without a detailed review of the role and character of the Indian big bourgeoisie class during the previous and post-independence periods , one can not understand why our country is not progressing in the right direction and why the economy of our country is worsening day by day . Let us , therefore , proceed towards a detailed analysis of the role of our big bourgeoisie classes as well as of their political representatives , the Indian National Congress Party .
Com . T . Nagi Reddy has given a detailed description and analysis of the basic characteristics of the big bourgeoisie class , in his book , based on various lessons as given by Lenin in this regard . Let us now have a look at the same — “ The Bourgeoisie and the Bourgeoisie Democratic Revolution :
For any Marxist , such a betrayal by the bourgeoisie is no surprise . As early as 1905 , Lenin had pointed out that , the bourgeoisie in this epoch of Imperialism and Proletarian Revolution , cannot and will not fulfill the tasks of the completion of the Democratic Revolution .
He said :‘ the Bourgeoisie Revolution is precisely an upheaval that most resolutely sweeps survivals of the past , survivals of the serf-owning system ’. But Lenin clearly pointed out that the ‘ bourgeoisie betrays its own self ’ and that , ‘ the bourgeoisie is incapable of being consistently Democratic ’.
‘ It is a greater advantage to the bourgeoisie for the necessary changes in the direction of Bourgeoisie Democracy to take place more slowly , more gradually , less resolutely , by means of reforms and not by means of Revolution ’. ( Two Tactics of Social Democracy , Page -77).
Why is the Bourgeoisie afraid of Bourgeoisie Revolution ? Why is it against clearing the ground of the survival of the past ? Why does the Bourgeoisie want to spare the venerable institution of the serf owning system as much as possible ? Because the bourgeoisie is afraid that the peasantry and the workers might change the rifles from one shoulder to the other and march on further to the abolition of bourgeoisie property itself on the very ground of the serfowning system .