CS Jan 2022 | Page 20

front with all the workers of the country against British rule and landlordism .
The CP of India calls on the pariahs not to give way to the tricks of the British reactionary agents who try to split and set one against the other toilers of our country .
The CP of India fights for the complete abolition of slavery , the caste system and caste inequality in all its forms ( social , cultural etc .). The CP of India fights for the complete and absolute equality of the working pariahs and all the toilers of our country . E . The Struggle for the Interests of the Town and Petty-Bourgeoisie
The CP of India calls upon the working small producers in the towns to support the revolutionary struggle against British domination , the landlords , the princes , and the money-lenders .
The capitalist class and the National Congress , in their search for a compromise with imperialism are betraying the interests not only of the workers and peasants but also of wide sections of the town petty-bourgeoisie ( craftsmen , street traders etc .).
Only the complete abolitions of British rule , bringing in its train the liberation of our country , the radical alteration of the whole policy of the Government , and the abolition of landlordism and survivals of serfdom throughout the Indian social order will create the conditions requisite for developing the economic life of the country and radically improve the standard of living of the broad sections of the town petty-bourgeoisie , handicraft workers and town poor .
The CP of India fights for the cancellation of all usury which has enslaved the poor people of the towns . The CP of India fights for the cancellation of all direct and indirect taxes , excise , and other forms of taxation of wages and small earnings , which are ruining artisans , street traders , employees etc . It stands for the replacement of such taxes by a progressive income tax on the capitalists , landholders , banks , and inheritance . The CP of India fights for all revolutionary measures which serve the interests of the proletariat
20 and are intended to improve the conditions of the town poor . F . Emancipation of the Toiling Women
The toiling women of India are in a semi-servile condition under a double burden of the survival of feudalism , economic , cultural and legal inequality . The toiling women have no right whatsoever to determine their fate , and in many districts are forced to drag out their existence in purdah , under the veil and without the right not only of participating in public affairs , but even of freely and openly meeting their fellow citizens and moving through the streets .
At the same time the exploitation and working conditions of the women workers are surely unheard of in their brutality and sweated character . The semi-slave conditions of women in India are the result of the widespread survival of relics of feudalism throughout the social order of the country and its careful preservation by British imperialism .
Noting that the present bourgeois national women ’ s organisation , the All- India Women ’ s Conference , led by Sarojini Naidu , one of the leaders of the National Congress , is not carrying on a genuine struggle to emancipate women but in reality is cooperating with British imperialism , the CP of India calls upon the working women of India to join the common revolutionary struggle of the toiling masses under the leadership of the Communist Party for the overthrow of the social order and social system which give rise to the slave conditions of Indian women .
The CP of India fights for the complete social , economic , and legal equality of women . It fights for the complete abolition of night work for the women and the prohibition of underground work for women ( in the coal mines ) and in all branches where work is harmful for females .
The CP of India fights for leave of absence from work at full rates of wages two months before and two months after childbirth , with free medical aid , and for the establishment of creches in all factories and workshops employing women , at the expense of the employers , such creches to cover small children and infants-at-the-breast with special apartments for feeding . Nursing mothers to have their working day reduced to 6 hours . G . Soldiers ’ Demands I . In the struggle for the emancipation of our country , the CP of India calls for the spreading of revolutionary propaganda among the soldiers and police and the explanation of the necessity for their armed insurrection together with the toiling masses of the country against British rule . II . The Indian soldiers and police are socially in the main poor peasants , who have been forced to seek employment in the army by poverty , landlessness and hunger . The CP of India fights for the allotment of land to the soldiers equal with all the other toiling peasants . The CP of India calls upon its supporters to explain to the soldiers and ex-soldiers that the only means of acquiring land , abolishing indebtedness and getting work is the revolutionary overthrow of British and feudal supremacy . III . The CP of India calls upon its organisations and class-conscious workers and revolutionaries to begin organising revolutionary groups among the soldiers . The aim of these groups must be to persuade and prepare the soldiers to take action in support of a general insurrection of the people for liberty , land and a workers ’ and peasants ’ government . It is necessary to explain to the soldiers by concrete examples drawn from their daily lives ( arbitrary actions by the officers , shooting down of demonstrations , workers , strikes etc ., flagrant inequality of the treatment of white and Indian soldiers-worse food , clothes , allowances , etc .) that Indian soldiers are only a blind tool in the hands of the British robbers , who use them to maintain the national and social oppression of the toiling masses of our country . IV . The CP of India calls upon its supporters to organise the ex-soldiers ,
Class Struggle