CS Jan 2022 | Page 18

the toilers from below , on the basis of definite proletarian revolutionary demands and activities .
As one of the practical means of explaining to the toiling masses the exploiting and treacherous policy of the Congress leaders , the CP of India recommends to its supporters to make use of their activity in the trade unions , municipal councils ( Calcutta , Bombay etc .) and similar institutions .
The CP of India calls upon its supporters and organisations to develop mass revolutionary activities and struggle of the working-class for their political and economic demands , mass refusal by the peasants to pay taxes , levies , rent debts , particularly in districts where there are large landed estates thereby mobilising and preparing the mass of the toilers for revolutionary struggle against imperialism . The CP of India calls upon all class-conscious workers and revolutionaries to assist in transforming individual strikes of the workers into a general political strike , as a resolute step in organising the revolutionary struggle of the mass of the people for independence , land and a workers ’ and peasants ’ government under the guidance of the working-class . A . General Demands
In order to develop mass revolutionary struggle and the political training of the people , the CP of India puts forward and fights for the following demands : 1 . Expulsion of the British troops . Abolition of the police and general arming of the toilers . 2 . Immediate liberation of all political prisoners , including those who have committed acts of individual and mass violence . 3 . Unlimited freedom of speech , conscience , press , meetings , strikes and associations for the toilers , and abolition of all anti-popular and antilabour laws ( Trades Disputes Act , the prohibition of picketing , the regulations for the deportation of revolutionary workers , press acts , etc ., etc .). 4 . The abolition of rank , caste , national and communal privileges , and the full equality of all citizens irrespective of sex , religion and race .
5 . Complete separation of religion from the State and expulsion of the missionaries as direct agents of the imperialists , with confiscation of their property . 6 . The election of Judges and officials , and their recall at any time on the demand of the majority of the electors . B . Special Workers ’ Demands
In order to organise the widest masses of the working-class , defend the day-to-day interests of the workers and maintain the general revolutionary struggle of the toiling masses in our country , the CP of India calls upon all class conscious workers to concentrate every effort on the creation of a revolutionary Trade Union Movement . The CP of India deems it essential to organise mass Trade Unions based on factory committees with the leadership elected directly by the workers and consisting of advanced revolutionary workers . The Trade Unions must become regularly functioning mass organisations , working in the spirit of the class struggle , and all efforts must be made to expel and isolate reformists of all shades , from the open agents of British capitalism such as Joshi , Chamanlal , Giri etc . to sham “ Left ” national reformists such as Bose , Ruikar , Ginwala and other agents of the Indian bourgeoisie , who constitute a reactionary bloc for joint struggle against their revolutionary wing of the Trade Union Movement . At the same time the CP of India works for the transformation of the All-India Trade Union Congress into a fighting all- India centre of the labour movement on a class basis . I . The C . P . of India calls upon all its supporters and all class-conscious workers to help in organising factory committees in all factories , railways , docks , etc . throughout the country . In case where owing to the victimisation of the employers or British authorities the factory committees have to work semi-legally , the CP advocates putting forward the demand for recognition of the factory committees as one of the principal demands in strike movements . The CP of India calls for the country-wide organisation of workers , defence detachments , both to defend workers ’ strikes and demonstrations and to take part in the general revolutionary struggle . II . The CP of India calls upon all class-conscious workers to help the party to organise the movement and the struggle of the unemployed for regular relief at the expense of the State and the employers . It calls for the country-wide organisation of unemployed councils , demonstrations , and joint struggle with the workers in industry for the partial demands of the unemployed monthly unemployment benefit at the minimum cost of living , refusal to pay rent , free supply of fuel and food-stuffs by the municipal authorities etc . III . Taking note of the semi-slave conditions of plantation and agricultural workers the CP of India calls upon class-conscious workers to take part and assist in the organisation of Trade Unions of plantation and agricultural workers . The fight for complete abolition of all systems of serfdom , compulsory and contract labour , deprivation of rights and unprecedented exploitation of the agricultural proletariat is one of our main aims , linked up closely with the aim of mobilising the broad masses of peasantry to fight imperialist and feudal exploitation under the leadership of the working-class . IV . With the object of protecting the working-class from physical and moral degeneration , and also in order to raise its capacity to fight for emancipation the CP of India fights for ; 1 . Limitation of the working day to 8 hours for adults and 6 hours for youths from 16 to 20 . Introduction of the 6 hours working day in all harmful industries , including coal mining and free supply of milk and butter to the workers in these industries . 2 . Complete freedom of Trade Unions , demonstrations , picketing and strike . 3 . Equal pay for equal work for women , youth and men .
Class Struggle