CS Jan 2022 | Page 17

and render possible further development in the direction of the building of a Socialist State of Society in India . At the same time , with the object of developing the mass revolutionary struggle and revolutionary education of the mass of the toilers , the Communist Party of India puts forward partial demands , the struggle for which will facilitate the mobilisation of the mass of the people in revolutionary insurrection for its emancipation .
PART-II The Fight for Partial Demands of the Revolutionary Movement The CP of India considers that the sole and historically tested means of winning independence , carrying out the agrarian revolution and achieving democratic reconstruction , is the path of revolutionary struggle of the widest possible mass of people , developing into a general national armed insurrection against the British exploiters and all their allies in our country .
The propaganda of non-violence of Mr . Gandhi and other leaders is intended to prevent a general national armed insurrection of the toiling masses against the British rule . By his own confession in his autobiography Gandhi took part in the armed suppression of the rising of the Zulu peasants in Africa and assisted the British robbers in their fight against the German capitalists for the right to exploit colonial peoples . And to-day Gandhi tells the peasants and workers of India that they have no right to and must not revolt against their exploiters . He tells them this at the very time when the British robbers are making open war on the Indian people in the North West Province and throughout the country .
The toiling masses will understand this double game of the National Congress . The workers and peasants of India will not give up their right to smash the whole feudal and imperialist system of exploitation , and their right to bring about the violent overthrow of the British rule .
The emancipation of India cannot be achieved by a terrorist movement .
January - 2022
The supporters of the terrorist movement of our country do not see and do not believe in the struggle of the broad masses of the people and do not understand the connection between the agrarian revolution , the struggle of the working-class and the overthrow of British domination . They try by brave and singlehanded terrorist acts to achieve victory over British imperialism .
While recognising the devotion and self-sacrifice of the terrorists in the cause of the national emancipation of India , the Communist Party declares that the road to victory is not the method of individual terror but the struggle and the revolutionary armed insurrection of the widest possible masses of the working-class , the peasantry , the poor of the towns and the Indian soldiers , around the banner and under the leadership of the Communist Party of India .
The most harmful and dangerous obstacle to the victory of the Indian revolution is the agitation carried on by the “ Left ” elements of the National Congress led by Jawaharlal Nehru , Bose , Ginwala and others . Under the cloak of revolutionary phraseology they carry on the bourgeois policy of confusing and disorganising the revolutionary struggle of the masses , and help the Congress to come to an understanding with British imperialism . Particularly blackguardly and harmful is the part played by the national reformists in the labour movement in which they try in every possible way to substitute the methods of class collaboration for the method of class struggle , doing their best to bring the workers under the influence of the ideas and the organisations of the Indian and British exploiters . The treacherous part played by the National Congress as regards the peasantry has once again shown itself in the appeal of the “ Left ” Congress leaders to the British Governor of Bengal to send troops to crush the peasant revolts at Kishoreganj . In these circumstances some of the “ Left ” national reformists ( supporters of Roy and others ) who realise that the masses are becoming disillusioned in the Congress , have cleverly put forward the advice to “ win ” the National Congress from within . Normally their object is to revolutionise the Congress ; in reality it is to restore the prestige of the Congress by replacing the old treacherous leaders by new leaders who are no better than the old .
The exposure of the “ Left ” Congress leaders who may again undertake to set up a new party or organisation like the former League of Independence , in order once again to bamboozle the mass of the workers , is the primary task of our Party . Ruthless war on the “ Left ” national reformists is an essential condition if we are to isolate the latter from the workers and mass of the peasantry , and mobilise the latter under the banner of the Communist Party and the anti-imperialist agrarian revolution in India .
The Communist Party of India calls upon all the toilers to form a united front against the imperialists , the landlords , the moneylenders and the capitalists . The CP of India calls upon the Moslem and Indian workers and peasants not to be tricked by the cunning provocative methods of the British Government and the revolutionary native exploiters who set the toilers of different nationalities and religious beliefs against one another , and provoke conflicts among them . The CP of India calls upon all the toilers , including the untouchables ( pariahs ) not to permit such disorganisation and splitting of the united revolutionary front of the oppressed who suffer equally at the hands of their own and British exploiters .
In its struggle to win leadership of the masses , the CP of India calls upon its supporters to make resolute use of any legal and semi-legal opportunity for public action and mobilisation of the masses around working-class slogans . On every occasion they must expose the treacherous part played by the National Congress . Against the bourgeois front of compromise established by the national reformists , they must create the united front of