CS Jan 2022 | Page 16

anti-popular Nehru Constitution , in which it declared the necessity of preserving the landlords , the rajahs and the money-lenders , remaining as a junior partner in the British Empire and leaving supreme authority in the hands of the British Viceroy and the Governor-General .
The National Congress issued the Delhi Manifesto supporting Gandhi ’ s eleven points , which represented the moderate programme of the Chambers of Commerce , and similar associations . It carried on negotiations with the Liberals in prison trying behind the scenes to come to an understanding with the British Government ; and so forth . The National Congress , and particularly its “ Left ” wing , have done and are doing all in their power to restrain the struggle of the masses within the framework of the British Imperialist Constitution and legislation .
In this connection , world history and the lessons of the class struggle in India prove that only the leadership of the working-class can ensure the fulfillment of the historic task of emancipating the Indian people , abolishing national slavery , sweeping aside all the fetters which check national development , confiscating the land and effecting far-reaching democratic reconstruction of revolutionary character . The workingclass of India , organised by the industrial process itself and by the class struggle , will under the leadership of its Communist vanguard , perform its historic tasks of organising the scattered masses of peasantry and town poor for struggle against British domination and landlordism .
But in order to organise the mass of the workers , in order to rally the proletariat as a distinct class force , conscious of its distinct class interests and fighting for the leadership of the national movement of emancipation , in order to bring about the revolutionary alliance of the working-class and the peasantry , in order to liberate the working-class , the peasantry and the town poor , from
16 the hands of national reformism , and direct their revolutionary struggle towards an anti-imperialist and antifeudal revolution , for all these purposes , the working-class requires its own proletarian Communist Party .
The Communist Party of India is the party of the working-class , the final aim of which is the achievement of socialism and ultimately of complete Communism . The Programme of the Communist Party of India is totally different from the programmes and ideas of the other parties and groups , which are parties of the capitalist class and the petty bourgeoisie , not excepting the national revolutionary parties . While the latter are striving for the development of capitalism in India , the Communist Party is consistently and firmly fighting for a socialist path of development . While the national revolutionary groups are fighting for bourgeois rule and a bourgeois form of government , the Communist Party of India is fighting for the democratic dictatorship of the working-class and the peasantry , a Workers ’ and Peasants ’ Soviet Government in India .
The only form of government which can safeguard the interests of the workers , peasants and toilers generally is the Soviets . The Soviets set up in the course of the revolutionary revolt of the working masses , as insurrectionary bodies for the overthrow of British supremacy , will be the sole genuine seats of authority , elected directly in the factories , villages , etc ., ensuring confiscation of the land and the satisfaction of the vital needs of the mass of the people . The Soviet Government alone will be capable for ensuring the national minorities , their right to self-determination including that of complete separation and at the same time achieve the maximum unity in the ranks of the toilers of various nationalities , engaged in common revolutionary struggle against the enemies of the Indian revolution . The Soviet Government alone will be able to effect an alliance with the world proletariat for the purpose of defending the liberty and the achievements of the Indian revolution against the attacks of world Imperialism , and the Indian exploiters . Only such a government will be able to make an alliance with all other Soviet states against international Imperialism and for the final victory of the world revolution .
Firmly and courageously , and notwithstanding any sacrifices the Communist Party will defeat , the disorganising and treacherous work of the national reformists , it will organise the masses of the workers and peasants and lead them to victory over Imperialism and take the lead in the further march towards socialism .
Adopting these as its guiding principles , the Communist Party of India advances the following main objects for the present stage of the Indian revolution : 1 . The complete independence of India by the violent overthrow of British rule . The cancellation of all debts . The confiscation and nationalisation of all British factories , banks , railways , sea and river transport and plantations . 2 . Establishment of a Soviet Government . The realisation of the right of national minorities to selfdetermination including separation . Abolition of the native states . The creation of an Indian Federal workers ’ and peasants ’ Soviet Republic . 3 . The confiscation without compensation of all the lands , forests and other property of the landlords , ruling princes , churches , the British Government , officials and moneylenders , and handing over for use to the toiling peasantry . Cancellation of slave agreements and all the indebtedness of the peasantry to moneylenders and banks . 4 . The 8-hour working day and the radical improvement of conditions of labour . Increase in wages and State maintenance for the unemployed .
The Communist Party of India will fight for these main demands which express the interests of the mass of the people , and the achievement of which will create the conditions for
Class Struggle