Crunch ! Magazine is a project that we editors work very hard on . We meet twice a week to edit , add , create , and design the magazine . We look over the submissions very closely and critically . As we look at our submissions , we edit them before we put them in our magazine . We hope you enjoy this issue of Crunch ! Magazine . We would like to thank everyone who submitted without your help we wouldn ’ t be able to make this possible !
Letter from the Editors !
Crunch ! Magazine is a project that we editors work very hard on . We meet twice a week to edit , add , create , and design the magazine . We look over the submissions very closely and critically . As we look at our submissions , we edit them before we put them in our magazine . We hope you enjoy this issue of Crunch ! Magazine . We would like to thank everyone who submitted without your help we wouldn ’ t be able to make this possible !