Nickole Adkins is a seventh grader, who plays alto saxophone in
band and jazz band. She is also in choir and participated in this
years musical Elf .
Pierre Betts is an eighth grader, who loves animals. He was inspired
to start making comics from playing video games with his dad. He
loves to sing and draw. Pierre hopes to be accepted into an art
school for his artistic abilities.
Samantha Elbert is a seventh-grade author. She is inspired by the
trees. She says she has been writing since she can remember. Her
hobbies include collecting porcelain dolls, collecting baseballs,
sewing, and fighting her brothers. Her favorite topic to write about
is the gentle whistle of the winter wind as the snow slowly sparkles
on the ground, covering any memory of autumn.
Mehkye Givens is an eighth grader, who identifies as Queer, both
gender- and sexuality-wise. Xe is a gaming YouTuber under the
alias ProdiG1Pro and enjoys playing Minecraft , Minecraft Story
Mode , Roblox , GTAV , Wizard 101 , MovieStarPlane t, and a few other
titles. Xe also enjoys playing Xbox with xyr friends and xyr younger
sibling Eric Stephens. Some of xyr largest dislikes include being
misgendered and inequality in humanity. More information on xim
can be found on xyr YouTube channel: