Faith Hunter-
Faith is a weird, sociopathic hamster. Faith spends her time
trying to kill YOU. She also enjoys playing Mario Kart on her
Nintendo Switch.
Kylee Lambi-
Kylee loves sheep. She spends her time with her favorite of all
her sheeps, Rascal. Kylee enjoys playing cards and drawing the
sheep. Her ideas come from her family and those she cares
Crystal Lin-
Crystal is an eighth grade artist, who is inspired by everything
(also Kiley >w<). She was given the idea for her art by a comic
she made called “Bubbles the Business Dinosaur” and the rest has
been history. Crystal was given the rest of her ideas by
miscellaneous inspiration. She draws and plays the flute as a
hobby, and she also really loves music and this one Kpop band
called BTS. Crystal has a youtube channel and used to live in
NYC, where she was born. Crystal is self critical and obsessive
with trying to be better.