Crown of Beauty Magazine The Royalty Issue | Page 42



*Speak God's living Word over your life. Pray 5 scripture verses over your life...then believe them!

*Pretend you're planning to teach a Bible Study for your friends. Dig into a passage, and plan the entire lesson. You'll learn so much!

*Listen to your favorite love song. Imagine God is singing it over you! Let Him serenade your heart.

*Go for a walk and make it your goal to think about Jesus the whole time. Talk, sing, and enjoy being with Him!

*Open up and talk to the Lord about something you've never told anyone. Talk about what has hurt you recently. Cry with Him. Be angry. Say whatever you have to. He wants to heal your heart. <3

*Choose 5 celebrities in Hollywood and pray scripture verses over them.

*Choose to think about one Bible verse ALL DAY LONG. Say it to yourself continually, over, and over, and over again. You'll be amazed at how the Living Word speaks to your heart!

*Talk about your future with God. Plan your dream home, journal about your dream life, and have fun talking with Him about what could be. Ask Him to reveal what He has in store!

*Boldly ask for an assignment in your school. Ask God to lay one person on your heart for you to reach out to every single day, showing the love of Jesus to someone who is lost. Be consistent and stick with that person for six months...praying for their salvation, and being their friend.

Meet the Crown of Beauty Team!

In January, 2014, we invited 30 girls from all over the world to join our training program! Many of them are featured in The Royalty Issue. Be sure to check out the fun author bios under each article! Here are two of our Trainees...girls just like you!

"Hello! My name is Jinsil Kim and I was born and raised in South Korea. I came to United States eleven years ago, but during those years I strayed away from God. I parttook of the worldly activities and made many mistakes; however, God never gave up on me. When I started college two years ago, God opened so many doors for me that guided me back to Him. He showed me what true love and freedom is and now I want to share it with those around me."

"Hey! My name is Natalee, I am a crazy, lovable, homeschooled girl who resides in Pennsylvania. I spend my days sweating over algebraic equations, lost in books, and practicing my writing skills."

Check out Jinsil's articles on pg 48!

Check out her exciting interview with for King & Country on page 34!

"For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world." 1 John 4:5