Crown of Beauty Magazine The Royalty Issue | Page 37


"There is a scripture that says, 'Whatever is good, whatever is positive, whatever is lovely, whatever is praiseworthy, think about these things.' I think that a lot of men and women these days have lost that sense of chivalry and respect and what it means to truly love someone. I'm talking about love beyond that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am talking about dedication and commitment. The greatest way for women to encourage men to be all that they can be, is to do just that. To encourage them. To find the good things and spur them on, but also to find the things that need a little help, and to talk about it with them. Honesty and encouragement is the best way for a woman to encourage a man to be the Prince Charming that they were meant to be." -Joel

True L-O-V-E

Sometimes finding and recognizing true love can be tough.

But, five simple words is enough to realize what true love really is.

"Patience, kindness, self-control, honesty, and thoughtfulness. I pulled off of the Fruits of the Spirit, but they are all good descriptive words of what true love really is." -Joel

In movies and books we've all obsessed, cried, and sighed over true love. Sometimes true love happens between the super hero and the damsel in distress. Sometimes the girl falls for the super hero because of his super powers, or good looks. But sometimes, it is because of his handsome heart.

"I think that I would choose to be sorta like that Wolverine character. Like if I had the super power of flight, I could fly around and somebody could shoot me down. Or if my super power was super strength, I might be the most fragile person that you have ever met. I would choose Wolverine's powers to save a damsel in distress, because he is strong but not fragile." -Joel

But sometimes those attractive super powers wear off, or he forgets his vow to protect her and has to leave his damsel behind. Sometimes the damsel decides that she is going to do something radical with her life, other than sitting in a tower crying out for a super hero to rescue her. Sometimes a girl decides to do the most daring thing. She wipes her tears, lifts up the pen of choice she's been given, and decides to change history with her story.

"I'm not sure that there is one specific thing that a young woman could do to change history. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was an ordinary girl. I think that it was pretty terrific that these angels came to her and started saying these things that no human thought was possible. These angels told Mary that she was going to become pregnant. But she wasn't going to have just an ordinary baby. The child that she would give birth to, was going to save the world. And the crazy thing is, Mary was willing; she obviously didn't have a choice, but she was willing anyway."

"Joan of Arc. She stood for something that she believed in."

"My mother, her dream ever since being a young girl, was to be married and have a family. That was her passion in life. She raised seven children, two of which are in for KING & COUNTRY and the other five are off doing extraordinary things. Her greatest mission was to be a mother."

"My encouragement for the ladies reading this is simple. Ask yourself this question, 'What is something that you are passionate about? What is something that you feel your heart is stirring you to do? What is stopping you, are you afraid? Are you frightened of what others might think of you?' When you pray about it and God makes it clear, pursue that dream with everything in you."

"The two running themes are:

Be more interested in standing for something beyond yourself. Stop searching for your own fulfillment and your own happiness, and start searching for others'. And no matter what you do, be passionate about it."
