Crown of Beauty Magazine The Royalty Issue | Page 34

Priceless Princess

An Interview with Joel Smallbone of for KING & COUNTRY

Meet Joel

Joel Smallbone is one of two brothers that make up the band known as for KING & COUNTRY. As the brothers of Rebecca St. James, Joel and Luke grew up in the music and ministry scene. Although for KING & COUNTRY officially originated in 2011, the brothers and their band go back further than that.

For us, connecting with KING & COUNTRY to feature them in The Royalty Issue was kind of a no-brainer - for KING & COUNTRY is passionate about telling everyone that they are priceless and unique.

I (Natalee Jensen) had the opportunity to interview Joel, and we kicked the conversation off with a series of silly, light-hearted questions, followed by some serious, thought provoking ones.

You are loved, pursued, wanted, cherished, and forgiven. Jesus is your adequacy. You are enough in Him for He has paid the highest price! Rest in His love that your joy may be full (John 15).

Here is a sample prayer, to help release your heart from fear, into faith to believe what God says about you:

“Abba Father, I thank you for Your Son Jesus and the price He paid. His death paid for my complete freedom! I give my heart, mind, and body to Jesus. I yield to His complete control over my life! I choose to think His thoughts and meditate on His love for me. I am not what the world says that I am or what even people say I am. I am loved. I am cherished. I am wanted. I am righteous in Christ Jesus. I have the mind of Christ, and I listen to His Word alone! I forgive those that have hurt me and release them to you! Thank you for healing my heart and removing any bitter root. Give me a passion for your presence and a passion for your Word. Make me into the woman I am called to be. I am Yours! I choose you now and for eternity in Jesus name! Amen! Be blessed, Princess of God!

-Nellie Martin

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Nellie Martian was born and raised in North Georgia. She fell in love with Jesus when she was fourteen, and her life has never been the same. She is in college for missions. She loves children, drinking coffee, and shopping! Check out Nellie's amazing blog: His Ladies in Waiting .

“Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. For your Maker