Crown of Beauty Magazine The Royalty Issue | Page 40

You would think that being born a princess would be enough to be a princess, right? Well, not quite.

All members of a royal family have to learn to be, well, royal. They have to learn etiquette and manners and other skills that royals need to know, things like how to waltz and curtsey.

When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we become heirs to the kingdom of God. And just like earthly princes and princesses, we have to learn how to be royal. How do we do that? We don’t have palace aides to teach us, but we do have God’s instruction book – the Bible.

Reading the Bible is an important part of learning our roles in God’s kingdom. (Think of it as our Princess Training Manual!) Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Verses that we’ve memorized can help us in real world situations to know how to act, give us strength to avoid temptation, or simply encourage us when we are feeling down. Every Princess should have the Word of God hidden deep in her heart.


Princess Training: Part One

Scripture Memorization

by Jody rodgers

Want to start memorizing Bible verses, but you’re not sure how? Start with these tips!

It's how I learn verses.

*Pick a Verse. Start small. Don’t choose a whole chapter to memorize at first.

*Write it. Read it. Say it. The key to memorization is repetition. Write the verse down on several index cards. Now scatter these cards where you will see them throughout your day (i.e. on your mirror, in your locker, beside the computer). A couple times a day try to say the verse. At first, you might only get a couple words right. But before long you’ll find you have mastered that verse and are ready to move on to a new one. :)

*Recall the Verses. To keep the verses you’ve already memorized fresh in your mind, take some time every few weeks to recall them.

Don’t have a verse in mind you want to learn? At, you can search by topic and it will bring up verses containing that word. (Such as trust, faith, fear, etc.) Or you can always start with a personal favorite of mine: Jeremiah 29:11. It’s the perfect verse to remind you that as an heir to His Kingdom, God only wants the very best for you!

Photo by Oleh Slobodeniuk