Crown of Beauty Magazine The Royalty Issue | Page 25


"Me? A Princess? Shut Up!"

But just like Mia's story, my life didn't radically change overnight. Me being royalty didn't instantally give me a car, a job, or a boyfriend. It didn't make me stunning and successful in the eyes of this world. In fact, it would be easy for an untrained eye to pass me by and not see a princess standing there. My surroundings and life situation were still the same. I still had struggles, hurts, fears and tribulations.

But something did change. I had an idenity switch. The nature of my heart, and the very blood cursing through my veins was washed with the divine blood of Christ. My entire DNA had changed! When I said, “Yes” to this royal invitation, the heavens started to buzz with activity. I became a citizen of Heaven.

I now have an address in a city where the streets are paved with gold. No city on earth could match its unfathomable wealth, because it is the dwelling place of my royal Father. As a legal citizen from this upper class society, I have a rank and social status that none can match…Daughter of the King. I have a glorious bedroom waiting for me in the King’s castle. Mia had to wait several years before she saw her regal bedroom suite. The same is true for me. I've never seen the room before…in fact, I've never been to my homeland.

I can only imagine what my Heavenly bedroom looks like. Is it nestled high in a tower? Does it have an indoor waterfall and stream that flows through from the Crystal Sea?

As a temporary visitor on this earth, I'm currently lodging in a humble home tucked off the highway. My surroundings are anything but glamorous. Sometimes, on my bad days, when the sky is overcast and circumstances are dreary, I grow very anxious about my future. I know that I am guaranteed a happily ever after, and an eternal place in my Father's house...but what happens until then?

It's tempting at times, to shed my royalty identity and settle into the rhythm of an

It's tempting at times to shed my royalty identity and settle into the rhythm

It's tempting at times to shed my royalty identity and settle into the rhythm of an average American teenage girl. This earthly culture flashes glamorous images of fame, wealth and beauty. Sometimes I desire to chase their definition of worldly success. My royalty identity is something unseen and it doesn't gain me much applause or affirmation from the word. Sometimes, I wish I could simply slip on a wig like Hannah Montana, and conform to my jaded surroundings, just like a chameleon. It certainly would be easier.

by Livy

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9