Crown of Beauty Magazine The Love Story Issue | Page 18


Whenever you want to eat better, make small changes first by gradually reducing or taking things out of your diet, and start introducing healthier, better tasting alternatives. For example, instead of your usual milk chocolate, try dark. I love having a couple pieces of dark chocolate when I need something sweet. Dark chocolate is much better for you, having less sugar and mood-boosting properties. And a little a day is actually quite good for you!


If you are rushed for time on a morning before school or college, instead of going for the processed cereals, make yourself some overnight oats the night before. These are a brilliant time saver and are nicer than you think. There are lots of recipes online for overnight oats, so it’s just a case of trying different ones until you find one or two you like. Oats are a really good breakfast, as they are great for your heart and release their energy slowly. They keep you fuller for longer, meaning you won’t be snacking. between meals.


·  Get at least 30 minutes of fresh air to your skin each day. This can be easily done by taking your dog for a walk around your village, riding your bike into town to get your groceries, or going running on a morning or evening. 

·  Start a new hobby that is fun and you enjoy doing but is also a good form of exercise. I like things like gardening and swimming. The good thing is that you don't really realize you are exercising, and they get you out of the house for a while.

·   If you have had a stressful day, unwind by going into your bedroom and lighting a candle. Stay away from technology and read some books, or do some deep breathing exercises and stretches to help calm your mind and body. Do this before you go to bed so you get a good night’s sleep.


Fun DIY! Oat and Honey Exfoliation Mask This is a lovely face mask that you can make yourself using only three ingredients. It is great in the colder months as it helps get rid of dead skin cells and heal blemishes, making moisturizing a much easier job.

And when you are finished, it’ll leave you glowing! :)

 You will need:

·   2 tbsp oats

·  1/2 a ripe banana

·  1 tsp pure honey

Slice up the banana and mash with a fork on a small plate. Once mashed, mix in the oats and honey. Tie your hair up and massage the scrub onto your face, leaving it on for 5-10 minutes. Make sure you are standing over or near your bathroom sink when you do this as it can get quite messy! Rinse off with lukewarm water, and you're done! :)
