Crown of Beauty Magazine The GLOW Issue | Page 46

Spencer: Since I've started music, my life has really changed. From being on the road for basketball and baseball, to now traveling just as much, if not more, for shows, recording, acting, etc. Sophomore year of high school, I quit sports completely to be able to focus 100% of my energy on my career, and it's turned out to be the right choice. The more traveling I do, the more people I meet, and the more experiences I am blessed with having, I see myself taking my faith more seriously and simply growing up. A music career is hard work, but the payoff is more than worth it.

COB: You are actually in the process of entering a new season of your life right now, since you’ve recently joined Anthem Lights! Are you enjoying it?

Spencer: With joining Anthem Lights, I've finally found some amazing brothers in Christ I can walk the journey of music with. We all have each other's backs, and everything's been so smooth. I'm thankful to be a part of the Anthem family and the amazing fan base that's been so accepting and loving with my addition to the band.

COB: What’s your favorite part about being in Anthem Lights so far?

Spencer: I love the motivation and drive we all have. We all want to get better, grow in our craft, and see our brand do the best it can do. We hold each other accountable and the family atmosphere is something I've been wanting for a long time in the music business.

COB: Are you still going work on solo projects or is AL going to be your main focus now?

Spencer: I'll still continue to do solo work, on top of the Anthem Lights stuff. Before joining Anthem, I was working on my new album coming out called "KANE". I'll continue touring and doing shows on my own as well, promoting the new album, and just continuing what I've been building for 5 years. And also hopefully doing some acting here and there.

COB: So, besides becoming the newest member of a popular band, you also appeared in God's Not Dead 2… What was your favorite part of the movie-making process?

Spencer: My favorite part was just learning how things were done. The process of shooting a scene, camera work and equipment necessary, and the awesome actors that were involved in the movie. Seeing everything from behind the scenes was truly a blessing and really inspiring. Definitely sparked a fire in me to try and do more TV/movie things.

COB: Do you have any advice for any readers who may be struggling with being afraid of newness and change?

Spencer: Being afraid of change is normal. We are creatures of habit. We get comfortable and anything that opposes that, is weird and foreign. But, God would never put us through anything we couldn't overcome. Jesus already overcame the world, so we know we can as well. Nothing is too big to overcome.

COB: (Anyone that watches the Vlogs on your YouTube channel will know why we asked this particular question.) Could you tell us the corniest joke you can possibly think of?

Spencer: What did one ocean say to the other? Nothing, they waved!