Crown of Beauty Magazine The Dreamers Issue | Page 7

All our dreams can come true..

if we have the courage to pursue them. ----- Walt Disney

"A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep."


"They say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true."

-Sleeping Beauty






"god would not have put a dream in your heart if He hadn't already given you everything you need to fullfill it." - Joel osteen

Sharks of Fear

It's an age old lesson that every dreamer must know:

Sharks of fear will always be swiming in your sweet spot.

Just look at Bethany Hamilton, a pro surfer whose arm was ripped off by a shark at age 13. For Bethany, her world revolved around being on the water. Her sweet spot was riding the waves.

After the attack, choosing not to surf again just wasn't an option.

She didn't let her fear of nasty old sharks keep her from entering her place of divine destiny.

Instead, she embraved the waters and continued right where she left off - living out her dreams!

God has used Bethany's story to inspire millions, and He can use YOUR story as well, if you make the conscious choice that fear will NEVER stop you from pursuing your dreams.

Whether it's stage fright, the fear of flying, being concerned about what your friends might think, or speaking in front of an audience...

if that fear keeps you from where you've always dreamed of going, it's time to show that nasty shark of fear who is boss! What if Queen Esther had been afraid of getting her head cut off by King Xerxes? What if Daniel dreaded the possibility of being thrown into a den of lions? What if Peter had a deadly fear of walking on water?

Sisters, we cannot let sharks of fear intimidate us. Like Bethany, let's be brave and grab our boards. Let's surf on the waves of fearless freedom, having full confidence in the fact that our dreams are not for us alone! God had a greater purpose for Bethany, which was to inspire millions. Joseph's dream was placed in Him so that he could save thousands of lives. Esther's fearless obedience also saved millions.

Next time you're afraid to take a new step toward your dream, remember: