Crown of Beauty Magazine The Dreamers Issue | Page 45

The farther you run to Him, the farther you are running away from your sinful life. Because when all you can see is God, sin begins to blur. You start to realize that what really fills you isn’t found in this world, its found in the Savior. He gives you the strength you need to chase faster and harder.

Deciding to chase after Him isn’t something you should choose lightly. Because like I said, it is hard. But as soon as you start to develop the self-control to set aside time to just pray to Him, and talk to Him, and listen to Him, you begin to realize how much you enjoy it!

Even though I’ve said how hard and difficult it can be, it is the best decision you will ever make. He fills you with joy, peace, happiness, strength, and everything you will ever need. He uses your weaknesses to show you His power.

I used to have a hard time getting myself to read the Bible and pray. But as soon as I began to realize how much I needed Him and how much He desired me, my life changed.

I realized that for the many years I had spent running this race, He was slowing down so I could catch up. Because He never will give us something we can’t handle. He knew that sin was running right behind me, trying to overcome me, but God overcomes sin.

So take your heart off of things that are distracting you and set it on Him. Seek Him with your entire heart, and you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).

I encourage you to begin to chase after Him. Stop chasing after the desires of this world and start pursuing the One who satisfies. Surrender to Him! He finishes everything He starts. Let Him start working through you as you start CHASING HIM.


Livy Lynn

[Michigan, USA]

What were your childhood dreams?

I remember coming home from school in Kindergarten, and telling my Mom that I had a HUGE probelm. I couldn't decide what I wanted to be when I grew up!

I said, "I want to be an author, illustrator, singer, actress, and direct and star in my own films."

Mom didn't raise an eyebrow and say, "You crazy child, that's impossible!" Instead she smiled and said,

"Of course you can do those things Livy!"

I'm not sure if she actually expected me to grow up and try to become all of the above, but she encouraged me nonetheless. My Grandma and Great-Grandma were also wonderful listeners, when it came to me listing off my childhood dreams. I would tell them all about my wild notions, and they never shut me down. Affirming parents and grandparents can go a long way to nurture childhood dreams!