Crown of Beauty Magazine The Dreamers Issue | Page 17

Follow Your Passion

You were put on earth for a reason. God didn’t just randomly place you here. You have a purpose. There is a reason that breath fills your lungs. There is a reason that you wake up every morning. There is a reason why you are friends with that new girl. There is a reason that you are on earth.

“Follow your passions." Jodi encouraged, "I grew up playing basketball and that was what I wanted to do. I was planning on going pro with basketball, but God had another plan. He placed the passion of music in me. God put the desire to do music in my heart. I wasn’t put on the earth to shoot a ball through a hoop. I was put on earth to proclaim the majesty of God through my music. Really, we are all on earth to proclaim the glory of the Father, but we all do it through different ways. Chris and I glorify God with our music. You may glorify God through being a friend to the lonely. Don’t let the world tell you that what you do isn’t good enough. It isn’t the world who you need to delight in. Take delight in the Lord!”

Psalms 37:4

"Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."

Jodi said, “God will do amazing things with your life when you follow the path He has laid before you. Just about every night that we have a concert we hear stories of people who were going to commit suicide, but the lyrics that God gave us to write and sing saved their life. We hear stories of a

suicide but the lyrics that God gave us to write and sing saved their life. We hear stories of a husband and wife getting back together because God worked through our music to reach them. When God breaths His desires into your heart and you obey Him anything is possible. He will use you if you follow His path for you.”

Play The Background

Trust. What does it mean to trust? Just putting a fleeting hope in that thing for a short period of time and then leaving it in the dust when you are done? NO!

“Trusting is when you put your full faith into something.”

What does trust look like? Does it look like flowers or cupcakes? Maybe trust looks like the ocean…