Crown of Beauty Magazine The Brave Issue | Page 5

Well, I don’t know about you, but I have been.

Something you should know about me is that I hate bugs. Of any kind. They literally terrify me. You know, like heart racing, palm sweating, kind of terrify. Maybe you can relate or maybe not. But you know those bugs that fly? Yeah, they’re the worst.

And if you lean in real close, I’ll share another secret with you. Are you ready?

I’m also terrified of sharing my writing with others.

Before you get all confused and wonder why in the world I’m even telling you this, let me explain a little bit more about fear.

You see, fear is a lie.

That’s right. Whatever fear you’ve been listening to, has been lying to you.

It’s lying to you by telling you all the things that could go wrong, all the ways you could get hurt, and all the reasons why you shouldn’t do something. Like the monsters under your bed as a little girl that weren’t really there, but made you afraid of the dark anyway. Fear traps you inside of a prison cell of things that aren’t true, to keep you too afraid to move forward.

So why does this matter? And what does my fear of bugs and fear of showing others my writing even have to do with anything?

Because fear isn’t just fear. It could be holding you back from what God has planned for your life.

Yes, I’m scared of bugs. Seems kind of silly and a little childish, but it’s a hurdle I have to jump over. Do I like being in a place where there are bugs? Absolutely not! Yet God has asked me to someday go to Africa. His calling for my life was engraved on my heart before I ever knew it and when He revealed it to me, it was breathtakingly amazing. But Africa? I mean, hello, there are bugs! And lots of them. So why did He choose me?!

Another fear? Being afraid of letting people read what I write. The thought of being published was my deepest dream and yet simultaneously also my greatest fear. What if no one liked what I wrote? What if my writing wasn’t good enough or people thought it was silly? What if I just made myself look ridiculous? Yet writing is exactly what God has called me to do since I was a little girl. He has called me to publish three books, even though with each release date I was fighting those fearful lies.

Do you see it now?

If we let them, our fears can be strong enough to keep us from what God has called us to do!

If I chose to listen to the lying voice of fear inside my head, which said that no one would like my writing, I would’ve missed out on my greatest calling! What if I had been too afraid to share my words with others? Being an author is a beautiful gift God gave me. Pushing through my fears to get there was half the adventure.

So, what fear is holding you back from what God is asking you to do?

Maybe you’re afraid to audition for that acting role because you’re afraid of being rejected, even though you know this could greatly glorify God! Maybe you’re afraid to jump on board with that ministry because you’re scared that things won’t turn out how you imagined them, even though you know God is nudging you to travel down that path.

Maybe you’re too afraid to share your story because you don’t know how it’ll be received, and that terrifies you. But what if this is your, “for such a time as this”?

I’m not saying the fear will go away overnight. But the more you push through the fear and choose faith, the easier it’ll become. When you step out and do something new, and pursue the things that God is calling you to do, fear might still linger at the edges of your heart. Whenever I write a new book or a new blog post, my heart still beats a little bit faster with anxiety right before I release it. Oh, and don’t even get me started on the bugs!

Despite the fear and the lies, I don’t allow them to stop me. I move forward anyway, and God is always there to catch me.

And so, my challenge for you, is to do it afraid.

Whatever “it” is. Do it! Write that story, pursue that ministry, fulfill that calling, and touch the person God wants you to reach out to. Will you do it for him, even if you feel afraid? Will you have the courage to step forward, and do this thing anyway?

It’ll be amazing…I promise.

Yes, I’m scared of bugs. Seems kind of silly and a little childish, but it’s a hurdle I have to jump over. Do I like being in a place where there are bugs? Absolutely not! Yet God has asked me to someday go to Africa. His calling for my life was engraved on my heart before I ever knew it and when He revealed it to me, it was breathtakingly amazing. But Africa? I mean, hello, there are bugs! And lots of them. So why did He choose me?!

Another fear? Being afraid of letting people read what I write. The thought of being published was my deepest dream and yet simultaneously also my greatest fear. What if no one liked what I wrote? What if my writing wasn’t good enough or people thought it was silly? What if I just made myself look ridiculous? Yet writing is exactly what God has called me to do since I was a little girl. He has called me to publish three books, even though with each release date I was fighting those fearful lies.

Do you see it now?

If we let them, our fears can be strong enough to keep us from what God has called us to do!

If I chose to listen to the lying voice of fear inside my head, which said that no one would like my writing, I would’ve missed out on my greatest calling! What if I had been too afraid to share my words with others? Being an author is a beautiful gift God gave me. Pushing through my fears to get there was half the adventure.

So, what fear is holding you back from what God is asking you to do?

Have you ever been so afraid of something that just the thought of it makes your heart rate escalate a little bit and your hands get all sweaty?

Fear is a