Crown of Beauty Magazine The Brave Issue | Page 17

If you got mostly D's...

You're most like Eleanor! Eleanor Napp has a passion for horses, and doing things with integrity. When her new step Mother tires to take over the family ranch and turn it into a Hollywood movie set, Eleanor is determined to keep her late mother's dream alive. Rescuring and rehabilitating abused horses is her dream. Elleanor is passionate and will work hard to fight for the causes (and people) she cares about.

"Just today Eleanor has collected a huge pile of fan-mail for the teen heartthrob from little girls who won’t stop dropping off love letters. Right now, Eleanor is running low on patience and coffee, but she still manages to bite her lip before spewing out some ugly words toward the thoughtless giant standing in her way." - Regal Hearts Episode 1

If you got mostly E's...

You're most like Lena! Lena Bodner has a passionate love for God, and people. She places her family before all else, and desire that they be protected and cared for. Lena is faced with a most challenging decision, as she discovers shocking news from her past. She must decide if she will remain safely tucked away in her comfort zone, or step out on faith into the great unknown.

“You are a wise woman,, I know that this isn’t easy.” Jack looks at her with a sense of awe and respect. “You’re choosing to do the right thing now, so that you, your family, and your nation can reap the benefits of it later. Rest well, for we have a long journey ahead of us.” - Regal Hearts Episode 1

Check out Regal Hearts Episode 1 on Amazon Kindle!

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