• Condition of the Land
– When thinking of tennis court installation, one of the factors that will
greatly impact the cost of setting up a tennis court is the current state
of the land. It will determine the preparation and the cost of the base
of the construction of the tennis court, which in some cases can be a
significant amount. If the land is generally flat, the cost of setting up is
going to be less. Expectedly, hilly areas can also drive the cost of
constructing the tennis court higher.
• Type of Tennis Court
– The type of tennis court installation is largely up to you but, the type
of tennis court you would like to have will also be crucial. Ideally, there
are up to six different types of tennis courts and finishing that you can
opt for. If you prefer the indoor option during your installation, then
the cost of the housing structure will also be attached. You need to
find the perfect balance between your budget and the best value that
you can get out of it.