Crossing Canada With The Maplemusketeer Volume One - An Overview (June 2014) | Page 82

I get to share a second adventure with photographer Stu Hartmann! We’re travelling 414km from Hope to Revelstoke. Conversations and picture taking aplenty occur as we drive through various terrain types, from the Coast Mountains to the Selkirk Mountains. Stu Hartmann A Little Detour Brookmere Through the Misty Mountains Revelstoke Victoria – Nanaimo – Campbell River – Egmont – Sechelt – Vancouver – Abbotsford – Hope – Yale – Revelstoke – Golden – Calgary – Didsbury – Edmonton – Farmer’s Field – Kola – Winnipeg – Nivervil e – Toronto – Kitchener – Woodstock – Sauble Beach – Stouffvil e – Newmarket – Orleans – Montreal – Moncton – Halifax 82 83