Crossing Canada With The Maplemusketeer Volume One - An Overview (June 2014) | Page 78

Yale is now a small town with a large history. During the Gold Rush the town’s population was reckoned around 15 000 which, by 2006, had declined to 186 persons. It is a place full of stories just beneath the surface, and a place I was a volunteer fire fighter for a winter. You Grow Food (Aquaponics): Aquaponics Set-Up Yale Down the Line to Linky (Mt.Lincoln) Yale Victoria – Nanaimo – Campbell River – Egmont – Sechelt – Vancouver – Abbotsford – Hope – Yale – Revelstoke – Golden – Calgary – Didsbury – Edmonton – Farmer’s Field – Kola – Winnipeg – Nivervil e – Toronto – Kitchener – Woodstock – Sauble Beach – Stouffvil e – Newmarket – Orleans – Montreal – Moncton – Halifax 78 79