Crossing Canada With The Maplemusketeer Volume One - An Overview (June 2014) | Page 58

One of the things I often teach about is the perspective of the moment. How often do we look around for the unexpected, the different, the uncommon, in our usual places? What things are fleeting in the scene? What is out of place? What components aren’t ‘normally’ there? The workers on the roof caught my eye. Over Their Heads Something is Afoot The Bay, Vancouver Victoria – Nanaimo – Campbell River – Egmont – Sechelt – Vancouver – Abbotsford – Hope – Yale – Revelstoke – Golden – Calgary – Didsbury – Edmonton – Farmer’s Field – Kola – Winnipeg – Nivervil e – Toronto – Kitchener – Woodstock – Sauble Beach – Stouffvil e – Newmarket – Orleans – Montreal – Moncton – Halifax 58 59