delivery, please contact me directly at
[email protected]
For all associations that have hosted Secondary
Schools Competition within the last two
seasons, please schedule and advise me of your;
Introductory session options for students
during the 2015/16 season
Regional Secondary Schools Competition
dates (including your regional qualifying
event for the CNZ Secondary Schools
finals), venues and contact details for the
2015/16 season
Promotional materials will be prepared and
distributed to your RST, School Sports
Coordinators and croquet clubs within your
Contact your Regional Sports Trust Secondary
School Sports Officer to request an opportunity
to present next season’s activities at a school
sport coordinators meeting. Meetings are often
held in term 3. Your presentation can be
supported with promotional resources from
Croquet NZ.
Note, the CNZ Secondary Schools
Programme is now available to students
from year 7 onwards (Intermediate
school students)
Association capability and planning:
I have now met with most association
committees to discuss future planning
initiatives to align CNZ strategies with the real
needs of our croquet community. Each
Association has been invited to consider their
regional landscape – their external and internal
environments to identify essential activities for
the ongoing development of croquet in their
region. By combining these perspectives, key
strategic issues facing our organisation at a local
and national level can be determined, which in
turn assists more effective planning at all levels.
In considering the local landscape, your
Association Committee may seek advice from
croquet clubs within their jurisdiction to
ascertain key considerations. It may be very
beneficial to advise your Association of what
your club’s key objectives are, to assist their
A series of meetings with a collective of
Association reps is proposed mid-year to
progress SWOT analysis toward strategic
CNZ Coaching Programme:
The new Level 1 Coaching programme for
coaches is underway in two associations, and a
third is scheduled to commence in May.
Congratulations to Kathie Grant, our first
approved Level 1 Coach Tutor. With Kathie’s
significant assistance, new Level 1 coaches are
now developing athlete centred coaching
techniques that will provide more effective and
enjoyable learning experiences in croquet.
CNZ is accepting expressions of interest from
any Association wanting to develop their
coaching capability through the establishment
of qualified Level 1 Coaches. Those with a
current coaching qualification are encouraged to
attend the series of 4 new workshops as a
refresher, and to learn about the
CoachApproach techniques and philosophies
supporting the new CNZ programme.
I would like to congratulate everyone that
participated in the Arthur Ross Memorial and
Gold and Silver Stars club competitions this
season, and wish those contesting the National
Finals all the best for their respective
competitions. It is often these two events that
identify future stars of the game and I’m
looking forward to this season’s outcomes and
increased participation in the club competitions
next season.
Greg Bryant