February 2015
This month
The main tournaments for the month were the Under
21 World Golf Croquet in Christchurch and the
World Golf Croquet Championships held at Club Mt
Maunganui Tauranga. It was exciting to follow the
progress of the events on www.croquetscores.com
and the commentaries (primarily by Jenny Clarke)
enabled those who could not be there to follow what
was happening by way of a blow by blow account.
Thank you Jenny and others who gave the
In addition a bit of an oopsie and apology from your
editor for a few errors in the January issue. The
corrections are at the end of this issue.
Attached at the end are the new OCR rulings for
Golf Croquet which came into effect in January 2015
From the Executive
The Tournament Committee met on Sat 28th
February. A large proportion of the day was
spent on sorting out the dates for various
tournaments for next season. Association
Secretaries will hear from the Executive Director
shortly about what tournaments we would like
various Associations to hold and what
tournaments we still need hosts for. There have
been several requests about planning the
calendar out further and so the Tournament
Committee has started on this process and seeks
your input. The rest of the day was spent
working through a number of issues that had
arisen over the season.
The Executive met on Sunday 1st March. The
Executive congratulated the players who had
done extremely well in the recent WCF
Championships, and the hosts of both the U21s
and the GC Worlds. It was great to have Greg
in attendance at the Executive meeting for the
first time and his first hand comments provided
some insights into what Associations and Clubs
want from Croquet NZ. This tied in nicely with
a workshop in the afternoon facilitated by Mike
Milstein of Nelson - which provided a great
deal of information about where Croquet NZ
should focus its energies.
CNZ Awards & Qualifications:
Silver Merit Awards
Anita to Jared Keeman (Cant)
GC RefFowler- West Coast
Janet Boutel - Wellington
Sport Development Officer
We welcome Greg back from his extensive schedule of
coaching, tournament management and successful
Six months of coaching, meeting association and
club committees, managing tournaments,
launching coach’s programmes, promoting
youth participation and travelling many hot
miles with a busted air conditioning unit – and
playing croquet here and there, has me looking
forward to catching my breath and settling into
my new home in Westport next month. Which ,
by the way, has a club that offers year-round
croquet! So if you’re coming by that beautiful