Crooked Creek Nov and Dec 2020 | Page 9

With summer winding down and a hint of autumn in the air , we have already begun prepping the course for the seasonal changes that lie ahead .
The turf has already slowed in growth and we are gradually raising the heights of cut before dormancy . This process helps protect the plant by promoting an increase in carb production and reserve . It also means less mowing on a daily basis and in turn , frees up some time and focus in other areas around the property . For instance , we have redirected our small labor force to the bunkers with the daily mowing reduction . Hopefully , and if at all even possible considering they are hazards after all , these improvements add to your enjoyment while on the course . I would like to ask that you please assist us and respect the others playing behind you by raking your tracks when leaving the bunker .
More changes and projects have been discussed / planned and will be coming your way soon . The Turf Care Team would like to thank you all for your continued patience and support as we continue to strive to meet your expectations . Below you will find some home lawn recommendations that may be helpful to all you DIY ’ ers .
• Apply a pre-emergent to warm season lawns ( Bermuda , Zoysia )
• Use a fertilizer / pre-emerge combo with a high P ( Phosphorous ) and K ( Potassium ) percentage to help build carbs before the plant goes dormant . Read your label and apply at the recommended rate . Fertilizer bags will have an N-P-K percentage listed on the bag . N = Nitrogen , P = Phosphorous , K = Potassium .
• Aerify / Fertilize / Seed cool season lawns ( Fescue )
• Aerify Fescue lawns aggressively .
• Spread a good starter fertilizer ( 18-24-12 ) over the aerified area .
• Seed Fescue at a rate of 7-10 lbs . of seed / 1000 square feet
• Water , water , water
• Prune shrubbery ( but not Azaleas ) as needed to clean-up excessive late summer growth .
• Apply pre-emergent to your beds to keep them weed free and to give your bedding plants a little nourishment as well . Follow up with a layer of fresh mulch of your choice .
• Prep seasonal color beds with fresh soil amendments and fertility ( no pre-emergent here folks )
• Plant your choice of seasonal color and follow up with mulch .
• Water daily until well established