Criterium September 2014 | Page 2


Last Month

Here come the girls - Erica Auger takes a look at what the future holds for womens cycling after an impressive start to the 2014 season.

Captain America - Kris Nelson explores the men who are looking to restore the image of American cyclists following the Lance Armstrong era.

Le Grande Boucle - We take a look at our picks for le maillot jaune come the end of Le Tour.

Promenading - Editior, Bradley Nelson offers up an interesting view of the modern day cyclist.

Jersey Pockets - Just what goes into those 3 magical pockets on the back of your jersey?

Tips for new cyclists - Resident rider and tipster Robert Paynter offers some advice to those of us who are venturing out on our maiden ride.

Club Review - Bradley Nelson caught up with Andy Bolton from the York Tavern to discuss their in house club, The Yorkies CC.

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