Cricket Club Issue 39 | Page 11

Wisbech Wisbech CRICKET CLUB W isbech Town CC play in the National Trust parkland attached to Peckover House and is a terrific example of a community establishment that plays an important role in their local area. We caught up with their Chairman Bob Burgess to find out more about the good work that they’ve been doing lately. Involvement He told us, “I first got involved with the club when my son, who is now 23, turned 12 and needed to play cricket at a club with his secondary school mates. Until then he had been at the village club that I was playing for at the time. As he got older and started playing for senior teams I began to play for Wisbech when I had no match at my main club. managed the under 9s and under 11s. Eventually I was asked to become club secretary. This was followed a year or so later by being asked to take up the Chairmanship.” At the time I ran the youth set up at the village club, but as time went by I realized that the club was losing their youngsters. With a heavy heart, having played there for twelve seasons I left the old club, essentially to retire, but was talked into joining Wisbech by the then chairman to play and to join the coaching set up at Wisbech. The Role This was in 2008 and I was able to play for a further two years. Since then I have “The most challenging and rewarding aspect for me as Chairman is to ensure that the youngsters want to keep coming back to Wisbech and play cricket. We are unusual in Wisbech as we have a fee paying grammar school on our doorstep which is a hive of sporting activity as well as some large primary Wisbech Club Info - - Twitter : @WisbechCC 11