Cricket Club CC50 Web | Page 6

Open Solutions + Paymentsense = faster bar service and order turnaround Busy bars need fast PDQ machines, and there are none faster than Paymentsense’s latest hardwired and hands free PDQ machines. The latest Open Solutions EPoS system not only fully integrates with Paymentsense for maximum efficiency in terms of order turnaround, but offers bar staff and managers user friendly till screens and a comprehensive array of features. So now any cricket club can rest assured its bar not only has all the technology it needs to deliver faster order turnarounds, but with the benefits of faster customer service, membership loyalty card privileges and member discount schemes – all of which make for happier members as well. And for those who have to make all the decisions that maintain their clubs in good health, these tools will deliver improved positive cash flow, stock control in real time, potentially better margins and a stronger bottom line. What are the operational benefits of Paymentsense PDQ machines? A recent installation comprised a new Open Solutions EPoS system, fully integrated with three Paymentsense PDQ machines, two of which were hardwired for use inside and one hands free for the outside snack hut some 20 metres away from the clubhouse’s Wi-Fi system. The feedback about the operational benefits provided proof of the Paymentsense/ Open Solutions package’s operational effectiveness: - The major benefit of the Paymentsense PDQ machines is taking and paying for orders in one live real time transaction. - So there’s only one keying in of each order, and no error prone duplication. - At the bar, a reduction of up to 20 seconds per order (over other PDQ systems) is being achieved which, with lots of orders over a busy period, speeds up order turnaround significantly. What are the major operational benefits of the new Open Solutions EPoS system? - The order interruption feature which allows one member of the bar staff to fulfil an order instead of waiting for someone else’s order to be completed and paid first. - The comprehensive reporting structure behind the EPoS system - The structure of the product pages is easy and straightforward to set up and to use. - It’s proving very reliable with far less downtime compared to other EPoS systems. And when the Paymentsense offer includes free of charge installation and machines, matched or bettered rates and a pledge to keep them that way after Year 1, that all sounds like a pretty good recommendation to any cricket clubs to re-think their existing EPoS and PDQ arrangements… To see how we can improve your club’s bar operation with our EPoS and PDQ package, call us on 01732 367 227, or e-mail info@ 6