CRETE Magazines November 2013 | Page 9

? ? ? ? ???? SPYROS KAYALES The Cretan revolt of 1897 started with the massacre of Christians in Chania in January 1897. A resolution by Cretan revolutionaries from Akrotiri, near Chania, declared the end of Turkish rule and asked the king of Greece to occupy the island. On February 3, a small force from Greece under Colonel Timoleon Vassos landed in western Crete with a vague declaration implying ENOSIS. The Great Powers (Britain, France, Italy, Austria, Germany and Russia) sent a fleet to prevent war between Greece and Turkey, told Vassos not to enter Chania, and ordered the Greek revolutionaries to leave Akrotiri and haul down the flag of Greece that had been raised. The Cretan revolutionaries at Akrotiri defied the Great ry THERISON In July-August 1889, a Cretan revolutionary movement declared ENOSIS with Greece. The Turks effectively maintained control of the major population centers and defeated major revolutionary action. However, at the village of Therison, in the interior southwest of Chania, the Cretan revolutionaries successfully, and defiantly, resisted Turkish attacks. Turkish authorities were determined to defeat the Therison insurgents with a large force from throughout the island. The Therison revolutionaries were reinforced by men from all of the surrounding villages. In an epic battle, in which the Christian defenders used the geography to their advantage, the significantly outnumbered Cretans routed a large Turkish force, inflicting massive casualties on the Muslim attackers. The victory at Therison confirmed the soul of Crete. The interior could not be conquered and the seeds of future ENOSIS efforts were intact. Powers, whereupon the fleet commenced a bombardment of the Cretan positions at Akrotiri. The flag of Greece was shot down. The Greek flag was re-hoisted on a smaller flag pole, but it was also shot down. There were no more flag poles. At this point, the hero Spyros Kayales took the Greek flag and used his body as a flagpole. Through their telescopes, admirals from the fleet saw the Greek flag flying from the human flagpole of Kayales and ordered an end to the shelling. Cretan bravery had conquered the hearts of the foreign naval officers. Vice Admiral Canevaro later wrote, “The raising of the flag in this heroic X[??\??\?H[?Y[?[?^HY?H?X?H?[??]?\????] ??'B?H\??\?H??\????^X[\??X?[YHH?[X??????]?\?H[?S???T?[????]H[?XZ[?[???YX?K?H[[[?[\??\??\?YY]Z??\?H?]B??]YH??[Y[[?][??\??X]YY ???Y?H?]??? NM?[?Y[?H?\??]?Y[???YX?H[?\??^K?X??YX?H?? H[??\?[??\?\??\??????\?H?[[?Y???HH\?[?[??H[?[Y[???\?S???T??\?X??[\?]Y ??H??Y??H??]H?X?Y]?HS???T?\??\]B??]\??\?K?X?Y?X?K[???Y??K???]?\?]???[?H?[Y[X?\?Y]H?[X??\?H?\??YK?\?\??[??\????^X[\??\?H?Y?Y?X?[??[Z[???[??X?Y]?HH?\?\?Y[?[???]H?]?[?\??YX?K??????\????[?]?]X?K??]\?[?]?HH??Y[?[??[?[???X??X?Y?\??\?]???]Y\?H[?\?H?][?[??\?Y?H?]?X]Y?H?[?\??H[?\?\?K?\?HB?\??H???[??][???[???\??\???Y ?HX?????\??YK?X??Y[ ?]?\?H?H?[???\?[??\?X[H[H??\?X[?Y?[?\???\?H???\ ?\??X?[K?H^??[??[YX[?H[?H?H??\?[??\??[??][?Y?[?\??????H???]\???XY??Y??]H?? ??]\??YHH[?H??]H?]?H??X?H?H???]^H?Y?\??YX]??]?\?H[?\????[??H????\??X[? ??[??H??\??[\?8?'H[??Y[? ?\?Y[??[??\?XY[?\???Y??]]\??K??[??YX?X??[?[???'H[[??H?]??\\??]??]?H\??H???Y?H??\?Y?H?\?HH??[Y\?[?H?]?[??[Y\?\??YH??X?H?[XZ[?YB?[??[[?[?[?[X??[?H?][?]Y\???S???T??????]HY?JH]??\??H???]\??\??YK???[X?\? N ??? K?K?K???B?Y? H?\????^X[\??[?H?YZ??Y? ?[??H???[??][?\?YY??\?X[??[??H??[??H\????\?X^B?NM?? K?K?? QK??K?K?B??????S??US?????B??