P re s i de n t ’ s M e s s age
A Week in Crete – Salt Lake City Style
Discover Your Past, Claim Your Future
ear Members and Friends,
The national board will be holding its next
Although it’s over a year away, please begin meeting in Salt Lake City in mid May and we
making your plans to be in beautiful Salt Lake City are all looking forward to hearing more details
next summer for the PAA National Convention to about the convention and thank the local orexperience everything that is Crete, better than if ganizing committee in advance for all the work
you were on the island itself! The Cretans of Utah they are doing to make this the most successful
have planned a five-day convention starting with convention ever!
a picnic on Sunday in the world-famous mountain
town of Park City. You will feel like you are in a fes- 60th ANNIVERSARY
John Sargetis
tival in a village in Crete celebrating with your fam- My wife Vickie and I were honored to attend the
PAA President
[email protected] ily and becoming reacquainted with friends from special Hierarchical Liturgy on April 27, 2014,
all over America. The sounds of the lyra and laouto at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church in
from Crete’s top musicians will echo through the Belmont, California to honor His Grace Bishop
canyons. That’s just the beginning! In the following Anthimos on the 60th anniversary of his ordiseveral days you will experience the finest in Cretan nation. Our PAA District Governor Roxanne
culture, fellowship, food and entertainment. For Koston organized the event and the luncheon
those of you who are delegates, you will not miss reception following the Liturgy in honor of
out on anything. We are streamlining the meet- Bishop Anthimos, which was presided over by
ings so that you will not miss a second of the fun. Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco. In my
I promise when you leave you will say you had one address I noted how His Grace has supported
of the greatest times of your life. Actually, you won’t the PAA during his entire life by having attended
want to leave! All of you have some friend, relative or several conventions and actively participating in
koumbaro in Salt Lake City who is waiting to “filox- our programs.
enese” you and make you feel right at home, Cretan
continued on page 6
and Salt Lake City style. Even
if you don’t know anyone
there, by the end of the convention, you will have made
lifelong friends.
As you know, the finest
musicians from Crete don’t
stop playing until the sun
comes up and that’s not just
for the youngsters to enjoy,
but for all ages. One of the
evenings will feature a special performance of a lifetime from our Americanborn musicians. When you
see our PAA youth dance
and see the pride they have
to be of Cretan descent you
will feel prouder than you Reverend Peter G. Salmas, John Sargetis, Vickie Sargetis, His Grace Bishop Anthimos,
Reverend John Kocolas.
have ever felt before.
KPHTH | April 2014
Μ ή ν υ μα Π ρ οέδ ρ ο υ
Μια εβδομάδα στην Κρήτη –
όπως το βιώνουν στο Σολτ Λέικ Σίτυ
γαπητά μέλη και φίλοι:
Αν και είναι πάνω από ένα χρόνο μακριά,
παρακαλούμε αρχίσετε να κάνετε τα σχέδιά σας να
επισκεφτείτε το όμορφο Σολτ Λέικ Σίτι το επόμενο
καλοκαίρι για την Εθνική Συνέλευση της ΠΕΑ για να
βιώστε όλα αυτά που είναι η Κρήτη, καλύτερα από ό, τι
εάν επρόκειτο για το ίδιο το νησί! Οι Κρήτες της Γιούτα
έχουν προγραμματίσει ένα πενθήμερο συνέδριο που
αρχίζει με ένα πικ-νiκ την Κυριακή στην παγκοσμίως
διάσημη ορεινή πόλη Παρκ Σίτυ. Θα αισθανθείτε σαν
να είστε σε πανηγύρι σε χωριό στην Κρήτη γιορτάζοντας
με την οικογένειά σας, επανασυνδέοντας με φίλους
από όλη την Αμερική. Οι ήχοι της λύρας και του
λαούτου από τους κορυφαίους μουσικούς της Κρήτης
θα αντηχούν στα φαράγγια. Αυτό είναι μόνο η αρχή!
Στις επόμενες ημέρες θα ζήσετε τα καλύτερα από τον
Κρητικό πολιτισμό, παρέα, φαγητό και διασκέδαση.
Για όσους από εσάς είστε αντιπρόσωποι, δεν θα χάσετε
τίποτα. Έχουμε κανονίσει τις συναντήσεις, έτσι ώστε
να μη χάσετε