CRETE Magazines April 2014 | Page 10

απο τ η ν π ε ρ ιφ ε ρ ε ια Εξωφυλλο fr o m the d i s tr i ct 10 KPHTH | April 2014 I 1 2 3 1. New board members of the Cretan Brotherhood of New York. 2. New board members for the Minos chapter. 3. New board members of the Omonoia and Labrys chapters. f there are any amongst you who wonder why our spirits are so high, why on this particular day we think that the message of Orthodoxy is the most clear, or why our confidence now is at its strongest, it springs forth from the fact that our faith is based upon the indisputable historical reality of the Resurrected Christ, who made the supreme sacrifice for our sins. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only-begotten Son, that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Can you think that entailed in two small words, Christos Anesti, we are given the most stunningly brilliant condensation of the Christian Faith, from where we find the true meaning of the Christian religion, and hence Christians have their faith confirmed. For when Christ was resurrected from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures, He laid the cornerstone of the entire Christian church. For does not Paul, the Apostle to all nations, say so eloquently, “If Christ was not resurrected, then our message is empty and our faith has been made foolish?” (1 Cor. 15:14). We often say (Justin Martyr in the first century) that the Resurrection is the Alpha and the Omega of the Christian Faith. We say this to signify that everything about Christianity is contained in the historical reality of the Resurrection. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe the Resurrection in this way: it is like good medicine that has entered the bloodstream of mankind. Throughout history, most cultures held the belief in life after death. Thus, when God sent to us His only begotten Son to die for our sins, this message resonated in the hearts of men the world over. The Resurrection confirmed what the people suspected, that there is life after death, and through Christ eternal life is now available to all who cry out to Him for mercy. Did not St. John Chrysostom, one of the greatest of the early Church Fathers say that the Tomb of Christ is God’s sign to us, that indeed, through Christ, each believer will now resurrect from the dead, immortal. And did not another Church Father, Athanasios, say that our resurrection from the dead is made certain because of Christ. We should