Crestwood Environmental Autumn 2013 Newsletter 2013 | Page 6

Crestwood Autumn 2013 Newsletter environmental Revised Aggregates Quality Protocol: Producing Aggregates from Inert Waste The Quality Protocol for the ‘Production of Aggregates from Inert Waste’ was first published in 2004. However, this has now been superseded with the publication of the ‘Quality Protocol (QP) - Aggregates from Inert Waste; End of Waste Criteria for the Production of Aggregates from Inert Waste’, 2013. This QP has been produced jointly between the Environment Agency and WRAP initiative in collaboration with industry and funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Welsh Assembly Government and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency. ? Marking requirem ents contained in the Construction Products Regulations and EU Aggregates Standards implemented in July 2013. The first stage of an online QP checker tool has been launched by the Environment Agency enabling companies to easily check compliance with the QP requirements. The revised QP is now applicable in England, Wales and Northern Ireland although existing operators have a transition period and need to be complaint by 1 January 2014. Whether you are proposing to process inert waste for the production of aggregates or already do so, CEL can produce site specific waste acceptance criteria, factory production manuals, relevant training and undertake independent reviews of systems to ensure full compliance with the revised QP. If you process inert waste for the production of aggregates in accordance with the QP the material produced falls outside the Waste Framework Directive and can be sold as a product. Changes to the QP include: ? Compliance with latest approved European standard, the factory production control. This requires a factory production manual to be produced and implemented along with appropriate staff training and periodic reviews; ? Documented Waste Acceptance Procedures are required although these should already be in place on a currently Permitted site; ? An updated list of acceptable waste types; Odour Article Roger Grainger, Senior Environmental Consultant, had an odour article published in the September edition of the AWE Journal (Air, Water and Environment. The article dealt with planning and regulatory issues relating to potential odour releases from processes. The link is at ? Improved guidance on testing procedures, storage, handling and transportation of aggregates; and T: +44 (0)1902 824037 F: +44 (0)1902 824036 E: [email protected] W: