Crest High School Registration Guide Crest High School 2017-18 Registration Guide | Page 42

Honors Electronics III Grades 10 , 11 , 12 1 Unit Prerequisite : Electronics II This course is based on the Electronic Technicians Association ( ETA ) areas of Comprehensive Basics . Topics include soldering , de-soldering , tools , electrical conductors , AC power distribution , circuit protection circuit controls , generators , motors , interfacing of electronics products and technician work procedures . English language arts , mathematics and science are reinforced . This course can help prepare students for ETA certification in Comprehensive Basics . Students completing this course have the opportunity to obtain an Electronics Technicians Association EM2 AC certification . The certification can be used in lieu of the CTE end of course assessment .
Honors Advanced Studies Electronics Grade 12 1 Unit Prerequisite : 2 credits in Electronics This culminating course is for juniors and seniors who have earned two technical credits , one of which is a completer course , in one Career Cluster . The Advanced Studies course must augment the content of the completer course and prepare students for success in transitioning to postsecondary education and future careers . Students work under the guidance of a teacher with expertise in the content of the completer course in collaboration with community members , business representatives , and other school-based personnel . The four parts of this course include writing a research paper , producing a product , developing a portfolio , and delivering a presentation . Students demonstrate their ability to use 21 st century skills .
Welding Technology I
Grades 9 , 10
1 Unit
Prerequisite : None
This course covers basic industrial and construction welding practices , occupational characteristics and employment opportunities . Topics include
safety , tools , print reading , measurement , thermal cutting processes , base metal preparation and shielded metal arc welding ( SMAW ). Arts , English
language arts , mathematics and science are reinforced .
Welding Technology II *
Grades 10 , 11
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Welding Tech I . Math II recommended .
This course introduces advanced welding and cutting practices used in industry and construction and emphasizes hands-on experience . Topics
include weld fit-up and testing , metal properties , gas metal ( GMAW ), flux cored ( FCAW ) and shielded metal ( SMAW ) arc welding . Arts , English
language arts , mathematics and science are reinforced .
Advanced Studies Welding * Grade 12 1 Unit Prerequisite : 2 CTE , including Welding II This culminating course is for seniors who have earned two technical credits , one of which is a completer course , in one Career Cluster . This advanced studies course must augment in the content of the completer course and prepare studies for success in transitioning to post-secondary education and future careers . Students work under the guidance of a teacher with expertise in the content of the completer course in collaboration with community members , business representatives , and other school-based personnel . The four parts of this course include writing a research paper , producing a product , developing a portfolio , and delivering a presentation . Students demonstrate their ability to use 21 st century skills .
The Advanced Manufacturing Academy at Cleveland Early College High School is designed for rising 11th graders in Cleveland County Schools who desire to work in our county following high school graduation . Students accepted in this program will work to finish their high school diploma through online courses with some face to face support through our Cleveland Virtual Academy , and to earn a work focused college diploma . Students will be required to participate in work based experiences preparing them for a career in manufacturing in Cleveland County .
1 . Advanced Manufacturing Academy students should possess the maturity and independence to accept the challenges of a rigorous high school academic program that is delivered virtually , and must , be willing to work very hard to succeed in college courses aligned with industry credentials . 2 . Please see your high school Career Development Coordinator , or School Counselor for an application . 3 . All applicants who complete the application process by the established deadline will be required to participate in a pre-selection interview . 4 . A parent must attend a mandatory information session to complete the application process .