Crest High School Registration Guide Crest High School 2017-18 Registration Guide | Page 17

Alternative English III
Grade 11
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Alternative English II and Department Approval
Emphasis on understanding literary and informational texts , using appropriate oral , written , and visual communication skills effectively in a variety of daily
living and employment situations , attributing the impact of cause and effect on a given real life problem , generating a viewpoint based on the analysis of
current events , written texts , and / or personal life situations . Create oral , written and visual products using technology . Carry out the presentation of
product / information using oral communication skills , including the use of assistive technology . Critique the career portfolio presentation using rubrics .
Alternative English IV
Grade 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Alternative English III and Department Approval
Emphasis on continuing to integrate oral , written , and visual skills to communicate effectively in a variety of daily living and employment situations ,
attributing the impact of cause and effect on a given real life problem , generating a viewpoint based on the analysis of current events , written texts , and / or
personal life situations .
9 th
10 th
11 th
12 th
English I
English II
English III
English IV
Honors English I
Honors English II
Honors English III
Honors English IV
Honors English I
Honors English II
Pre- AP Eng III Honors ( Fall ) AP Lang . & Comp . ( Spring )
English I
English II
English III
Pre- AP Eng IV Honors ( Fall ) AP English Lit & Comp . ( Spring ) Alternative English IV
Foundations of NC Math I-A
Grade 9
1 Unit
Prerequisite :
Foundations of NC Math I-A is the first half of Math I . Emphasis is placed on equations and inequalities , graphing , systems of equations and inequalities
and exponent laws . This course counts as a math credit for promotion to 10 th grade and counts as a math for graduation credit . Successful completion
of this course is required prior to NC Math I .
NC Math I-B
Grade 9
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Foundations of NC Math I-A
NC Math I-B is the completion course started in Math 1-A . It provides students the opportunity to study concepts of algebra , geometry , functions , number
and operations , statistics and modeling throughout the course . These concepts include expressions in the real number system , creating and reasoning with
equations and inequalities , interpreting and building simple functions , expressing geometric properties and interpreting categorical and quantitative data .
The course is an EOC tested class and counts as a math for graduation credit .
NC Math I
Grade 9
1 Unit
Prerequisite : 8 th grade accelerated Math in middle school
NC Math I focus on the concepts of algebra , geometry , functions , number and operations , statistics and modeling throughout the course . These concepts
include expressions in the real number system , creating and reasoning with equations and inequalities , interpreting and building simple functions ,
expressing geometric properties and interpreting categorical and quantitative data . The course is an EOC tested class and counts as a math for graduation
credit .
Foundations of NC Math II-A
Grade 10
1 Unit
Prerequisite : NC Math 1-B
Foundations of NC Math II-A is the first half of NC Math II . Foundations of NC Math II-A continues a progression of the standards established in NC Math I .
Foundations of NC Math II-A focuses on the topics of polynomials , quadratics , exponential functions , systems of equations / inequalities and additional
functions . Foundations of NC Math II-A is slower paced course option designed to prepare students for Foundations of NC Math II-B . This course counts for
math credit for graduation .
NC Math II-B
Grade 10
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Foundations of NC Math II-A
NC Math II-B is the completion course started in Foundations of NC Math II-A . NC Math II B covers the standards of trigonometry with triangles , modeling
with geometry , transformations , and probability . A North Carolina Final Exam is given at the conclusion of this course . ( The final contains material from both
Foundations of NC Math II A and NC Math II B )