Creoma November 2016 1 | Page 8

Allied 7.2/10 62% 60% 4/4 For a start, the movie has a well woven conflict. It was 2hrs of no boredom, intermittent or not, and no dull moments. The story was well put for the fact that the movie was an organized chaos of action, drama, and scattered bits of suspense well put at the right moments. The story involved betrayal, love, and patriotism. I witnessed the first and the latter, but the bit half way through wasn’t the usual greatness displayed in a movie that involved brad pit and a love interest, the chemistry was nonexistent. Yes, the script involved some good love story but the actors no matter how hard they tried, the couldn’t pull off the chemistry right. The fact that the movie ends in the death of a character but in a unexpected manner is what resolved the climax of the conflict in an interesting way. Personal rating 6.5/10 Arrivals 8.4/10 93% 81% 3/4 I will not sugarcoat this, I slept through the movie. The movie was entirely about deciphering and trying to understand the language of aliens. At first, it was interesting, then half way through the movie, I lost all interest and yet still struggled to give it a chance or plenty but eventually gave up when it kept going on in an endless series of event that weren’t resolved at any point. It didn’t hold my attention on any level that at no point until today that I asked about the ending. Personal rating: 0/10 8 9 By: Afra Al Sayegh