Creature Companion - Interzoo Special September 2019 | Page 30

Aqua CRAYFISH KEEPING AT HOME By Rajiv Sharma* T he Crayfi sh is a crustacean of the order Decapods. All the members of Decapods have fi ve pairs of legs. Th ey are invertebrates and don’t have a backbone or spinal cord. Th e Decapods order also includes lobsters, shrimps etc. Crayfi sh are also known by diff erent names such as crawfi sh, crawdads and freshwater lobsters. All crayfi sh species are related to three families - Astacoidea, Cambaridae and Parastacidae. Th ese three families are composed of more than 600 animals. C rayfi sh make for an interesting pet. Th ey are very easy to care for and have a lifespan of upto 2-3 years. Th ey are omnivores and can eat anything including small fi shes, decaying plants and animals. Adding any slow moving fi sh to the aquarium can off er an easy dinner for the crayfi sh. It is best to keep crayfi sh in a species only aquarium. In the wild, crayfi sh live near the riverbeds and hide between the rocks and plants. Th ey always like to hide themselves from predators. Th ey also like circulating water bodies such as rivers and tributaries. 30 Creature Companion | September 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 9 • Noida A Crayfi sh setup with plants.