Creature Companion - Interzoo Special September 2019 | Page 14

Pet Care RESPONSIBLE TREATING By Priyanka Tanwar * P Pet owners should search for chews and treats appropriate for the size of their dogs. Th e ideal chews should be slightly larger than the pet’s mouth. et parents employ treats and chews to strengthen their bond with their four legged friends. Treats are not only used as a motivational tool for obedience training but also as reward for good behavior; encouragement for exercise; and health supplements for oral health and joint wellness. Regardless of these benefi ts, many delicious chews and treats do not supply essential nutrients for canine and feline health. Overindulging your pets with these appetising delights can result in nutritional defi ciencies. Th us, it becomes all the more essential to regulate the use of these delectable snacks. nutritional feed and cause serious health issues like stomach upsets and food poisoning. Treats and chews should ideally comprise not more than 15 percent of the pet’s daily nutritional requirements. Pet parents should make it a point to refer to the feeding chart provided on the packages of pet snacks to avoid feeding excess amounts of treats to their pet companions. Th is is especially true for functional snacks such as dental and joint health chews where exceeding the recommended amount may result in obesity and other health disorders. Pet owners should strictly avoid feeding table scraps and human snacks to their pets as these can distort the animal’s daily Pet owners should search for chews and treats appropriate for the size of their dogs. Th e ideal chews should be slightly larger than the pet’s mouth. Parental supervision is necessary while treating to avoid the rare circumstance of choking. Additionally, pet treats should be used alongside a nutritionally balanced diet composed of essential minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and proteins. Pets should be provided plenty of fresh water throughout the day (cold water in summer) to avoid dehydration. G your Ge Get yo o ur fre ree e s amp a mp les am es s on ww e www.o w.oran rangep ran gep g p e t. t in A number of eff ectual strategies can be employed by pet parents to ensure their pet’s complete enjoyment of snacks. A specifi c part of the pet’s dry food can be utilised as treats during training, exercise and play sessions. Larger treats can be eff ectively broken down into small sections for more number of rewards. Th is suggestion, however, does not work with dental chews and functional treats as it reduces their effi ciency. Pet parents can consider taking advantage of non-food based rewards such as grooming sessions, toys and play periods to reinforce appropriate behaviour in their best friends. Lastly, owners should not forget the importance of a regular exercise pattern to ensure their pet’s overall health, and physical and mental wellbeing. * Editor