Creature Companion - Interzoo Special September 2019 | Page 12
Pet of the Month
By Suraj Prabhu
(on behalf of Divya Deepak)
MEET BLUE. He’s an awesome pupper.
Awesome enough to write pages and pages about.
Something that his ‘hoomans’ should gladly be
doing. But that’s not me. I’m not his ‘hooman’ (that’s
internet speak for caregiver/ pet owner in case you’re
still wondering). I’m the friend of the hooman who’s a
writer by profession, and naturally, the responsibility
of writing this falls upon me! friends chase him around the house with a
sock in his mouth, it might seem casual fun
and games. But this is Blue’s methodical way
of training these two humans to bend to his
will! Th ey even took Blue on a road trip to
Chikmaglur all the while oblivious to the
fact that it was him who was taking them
on a road trip and not the other way around.
Blue’s ‘hoomans’ are two fun-loving, obsessively
caring, gentle creatures who go by the name of
Sachin and Divya. Th ese two fi ne human specimens
have made the mistake of assuming that they have
complete and unquestioned ownership over Blue.
Th ey also love him unconditionally and think he
loves them too. Unfortunately for them, only half of
that is true. Fortunately for them, it’s not the bit about
unconditional love. Someday, my two friends might get wise
about how their dog has been brainwashing
them all along but I have a feeling it’ll be too
late by then. I can picture Blue victoriously
lounging on the couch while my dear
friends huddle by his paws with all the
loyalty and love that a dog’s best friend can
possibly muster!
Blue and his hoomans love each other alright. And
unconditionally too. But it would be a grave error to
assume - even for a second - that they own this dog.
It’s quite the opposite really. With his overwhelming
cuteness and irresistible puppy eyes (which are
strangely NOT Blue in colour), Blue has convinced
these two humans that they indeed own him. Th e
reality is actually fl ipped upside down. It is Blue who
owns them! And the poor creatures suspect nothing.
Let me substantiate my claim. Over the year or so that
Blue, Divya and Sachin have been living together,
they’ve probably taught Blue a handful of things - to
sit when he’s asked, to fetch, shake paws and the likes.
Meanwhile, Blue has practically transformed Sachin
and Divya to whole new people. I’ve seen Sachin
display levels of responsibility, love and care that I
never expected to see. Every time Blue makes my two
Creature Companion | September 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 9 • Noida