Creature Companion - Interzoo Special Interzoo Special 2018 | Page 4

Edited, Printed, Published & Owned by Linda Brady Hawke Published from L.B. Associates (Pvt) Ltd H-108, Sector 63, Noida - 201301 Dist. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P. Delhi NCR, India Tel: +91-120-4727108 Fax: +91-120-2427108 Email: [email protected] Websites: Printed at JJ Imprints Pvt. Ltd. A-24, Sector-68, Noida 201301 GB Nagar UP, India Contributors Mahesh Bendre Sandeep Tiwari Associate Editor Sandra Branger Marketing and Advertising Binoy Sahee [email protected] Yash Malhotra [email protected] Mobile: +91 9911787926 [email protected] Tel:+91-120-4727108 Design Atul Puri Anil kumar Webmaster: Uday N Jha DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in Creature Companion are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily refl ect those of the editors or publisher. Although all efforts have be en made to ensure the complete accuracy of text, neither the editors nor publisher can accept responsibility for consequences arising from errors or omissions or any opinions or advice given. Publisher’s Note The Interzoo Special India has witnessed a double digit growth in its domestic pet industry in the past few years. The trend of owning and keeping pets has now become a norm in urban and semi-urban spaces across the country. The rapid pace of urbanization, increasing pet ownership, a move towards companionship and humanization of pets, alongside increased awareness about pet health have all contributed to the growth and development of the pet industry in India. The rate of development of this industry is being closely scrutinized by different stakeholders, with the industry continually attracting new investors and manufacturers who are bringing more business to this sector as they explore new opportunities. The pet industry has greatly expanded in the last few years, having branched out into various segments - veterinary clinics, pet boarding, pet e-shops, hotels, etc. The industry has also witnessed a great increase in its consumer base. The hectic lifestyles led by individuals today have rendered most urban dwellers handicapped for time, leading to stress and strain and little time for family and sustained companionship. Most people have, thus, begun to adopt pets to avoid being lonely; many newly married couples are also beginning to own pets. In this regard, people are spending more time and money on pets than ever before. All of the above factors have played a role in the rapid development of the pet industry in India over the last two decades. The pet food market in India mpound Annual Growth Rate is expected to grow at a Compound each Rs 43.5 trillion in 2017, up (CAGR) of 19.2 percent to reach from its previous value of Rs s 15.2 trillion in 2016. ioneer within the pet food sector Mars has been the leading pioneer ently dominated the market with and has, as a result, consistently 70% market share. They are followed by brands such as ternational Pet Foods, Agro PetSetGo, Drools, Bharat International twako Farms (I) Pvt. Ltd., Food Industries Pvt. Ltd, Gitwako and the IB Group which are also active in this sector. We would like to conclude with the ‘Make in India’ n offers information on initiative. This special edition the growth and potential of the Indian pet industry, erous investment and throws light on the numerous obal pet product opportunities available to global manufacturers and service providers kill in areas of knowledge and skill s, and sharing, imports and exports, in corporate partnerships within ia the Indian pet industry. India is open for business! Happy reading! Linda Brady Hawke 4 Creature also fi nd us on Companion | Interzoo Special 2018 IIPTF & Creature Companion