The Prime Minister of United Kingdom
inherited Larry white and brown tabby.
She has revealed that she is more of a
dog person and has always had dogs at
home rather than cats. Yet she is very
happy to have Larry. And Larry is the
official nimber 10 cat. The former President of United States
Of America and his family were given
Boo a male Portuguese water dog as a
gift after months of speculation about
the breed and identity because Malia
Obama’s allergies dictated a need for a
hypoallergenic breed. The President of Finland has a super
adorable Boston Terrier called Lennu.
Lennu is five years old and he is mostly
seen along with President Niinisto
attending importnat meetings and
stealing shows.
The Queen of England lost her beloved
Corgi Holli in October 2016. She has
three more dogs. One Corgis named
Willow, and two cross breeds Vulcan and
Candy. The Queen has decided not to
breed any more Corgis in fear of leaving
any behind when she died. However
she has been caring for two dogs that
belonged to her gamekeeper.
The former United States President
is also found of pets and so adopted
a stary cat Socks, the only pet of
the Clintons during the early years of
administration and his likeness hosted
the children’s version of the White House
President of Russia’s love of dogs
has been well documented over the
years. Photos of Putin with his dogs
have been all over internet. Currently
Vladimir is blessed with four dogs, who
live at Swnate building also known as
1st building in the Moscow’s Kremlin
Pasha a Yugoslavian Shepherd dog was
gifted by President of Serbia Aleksandar
February - March 2019 • Vol. XII • Issue 2 • Noida
| Creature Companion