They also Get Life. They are awakening to the truth that health, safety, and a future to desire is in
their hands. Twenty years after becoming a free country, South Africa is plagued by domestic
abuse (this includes spousal, children, and rape; the nation leads the world in reported rape
crimes, though only 7% of reports end in conviction- a legacy of cultural acceptance and gender
inequality perpetuates the horror), poverty, disease (highest HIV prevalence rate in the world),
and lack of resources. Together, we are diffusing fear.
There is a Nelson Mandela in embryo in each one of them, and the more they are reminded of
that, the more empowered they feel, and the more convicted in cause they become. There is
nothing more satisfying than to watch a young person become aware of their own power! Well,
yes there is; watching them conceive plans to tap into that power for a higher good.
Since I began working with this group I’ve watched their aspirations shift from wanting to be
famous and having nice cars and flashy phones like the Americans they see on television (yes,
despite poverty, nearly every South African household has a functioning television-I will write
later about the most popular shows and the lack of positive role models available to the youth. I
will say that many of their idols are American stars that glorify fame and money and exhibit zero
social responsibility or even awareness of life outside the bubble of narcissism). Now, the youth
is anxious to demonstrate leadership within their community.
A course in becoming our own heroes
When a majority of the group decided they wanted to help others who ۸