Although there are highly
creative and relatively non-
creative individuals, we are
all born with a creative ability
that can then be stimulated
or not. Therefore, creativity
can be developed and
improved, as can all human
There are many techniques
to develop and increase
creative capacity, for
example, brainstorming (in
groups), lateral thinking,
mind maps, idea selection,
idea quantification, idea
classification, concept maps
and Ishikawa diagrams.
Intelligence is not the
difference between those who
are highly creative and those
who are relatively non-
creative. The personality traits
of the creative individual is
what differentiates him from
others. In general, it has been
proven that a creative person
or a genius, needs long periods
of loneliness, tends to be
introverted, and has little time
for social relationships and
also for what she calls the
trivialities of everyday life.
Creatives tend to be
enormously intuitive and very
interested in the abstract
meaning of the outside world
as well as being very sensitive.
Two types of creative people,
artists (musicians, writers,
painters, sculptors) and scientists
can be distinguished in broad
strokes, although, as already
stated, there is not much
relationship between creativity
and the intellectual quotient (IQ)
. Often, genius, in this type of
people, is related and confused
with madness.
Among artists and writers,
genius is confused and
often relates to madness; In
this category of people,
severe neuroses, drug
addiction, and alcohol and
various forms of madness
manifest themselves with
excessive frequency. There
is not much relationship
between creativity and
intellectual quotient (CI); It
is compatible to be highly
creative and have normal
intelligence, or possess
great intelligence and lack
creative ability.