Ask DeMuth
Have questions e-mail them to us at [email protected]
Q. What is your favorite season? -Jared VanSickle
A. Good question! I like all season they all have their positives but my favorite season would have to be summer.
Q. If you were to write a book what would you call it and what would it be about? -Jared Bouska
A. Oh great question! I personally like sports book so I would write my book about sports and the title would have to depend on what sport I wrote about
Q. Will The Cubs win the World Series this year? -Phil Kleve
A. Haha good joke! The Cubs winning the World Series this year? No chance! I do think the Yankees will win the World Series because it is Derek Jeter's last year.
Q. What is the meaning of life? -Sam Poppen
A. Being happy is the key to life. If you make sure you are happy your life will be great and relaxed and you will have a great life.