Creative Sacred Living Magazine October 2014 | Page 38

the cosmological "dark energy" causing the vast expansion of the universe, are all various aspects or definitions of roughly the same quality. Like the overlapping circles of the Vesica Pisces, many of the above concepts and phenomena actually overlap one another as almost being, if not entirely being, one and the same phenomenon.

Whole Essence of the Universe and Root of all Sacred Geometry

God was symbolized as a circle in the earliest cultures, having no beginning or end, eternally existing, perfectly shaped and absolutely symmetrical. The creation of a second circle symbolized the start of the duality of god and goddess, male and female. When two circles intersect, the form of the Vesica Pisces is created as if the god and goddess formed a divine offspring. The Vesica Pisces design and its offshoots, the Flower of Life, Tree of Life, and fundamentals of geometry, go back thousands of years preceding nearly all of today's major religions.

There are various meanings ascribed the Vesica Pisces, which is basically the intersection of two, overlapping spheres; such as the union of heaven and Earth in the body of Christ, the root element of the Flower of Life, the merging of God and Goddess, the vagina of the female goddess, the first pattern at the basis of all trigonometric configurations, square roots and harmonic dimensions; a source of great power and vitality, and as an overlying template that intersects with all the points on the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life, Flower of Life, and the Seed of Life overlap perfectly, with the Vesica Pisces providing all of the elements of the Flower of Life and all the coordinates for the Tree of Life.

The Vesica Pisces represents the Pythagorean "measure of the fish" or mystical conjunction of the spiritual world with the physical world and, with one end extended to look like the tail of a fish, was used as a simple "fish" symbol for the early Christian faith. The Vesica Pisces also symbolizes the miracle of the fishes. Amazingly, the Gospel of John (21:11) reveals the numerical formula, "153" found in one of the mathematical ratios (265:153 = 1.7320261...) for the Vesica Pisces: "Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken."

The Vesica Pisces is one of the most important geometrical designs of archaic and modern times. The Vesica Pisces can be found on nearly every medieval church in Europe. Many of these churches were devoted to the Virgin Mary or to Mary Magdalene, in other words, the goddess. In northern France, some of the churches are located in such a way as to resemble the locations of stars in the constellation Virgo.

The Chapel of St. Mary, located In Glastonbury (also called Avalon, the island of the Goddess), England, is decorated with the Vesica Pisces. In that area, there is a "goddess' garden" containing the Chalice Well decorated with a "Vesica Pisces" iron grid and a garden pond shaped like two overlapping circles. Many of the religions who acknowledge the importance and energy of the goddess, use the Vesica Pisces to identify her.

In geometry, the ratio of the width of the Vesica Pisces to its height is the square root of 3, or 1.7320508... Also two equilateral triangles join along the edge where straight lines are drawn connecting the centers of the two overlapping circles with each other. The square roots of three of the first digits of the Fibonacci Numbers, 2, 3, and 5, can be geometrically determined using the shape of the Vesica Pisces. The ratios 265:153 = 1.7320261... and 1351:780 = 1.7320513... are two of a series of approximations as close as one can get to the actual square root of 3, and no greater similarity in value can be obtained with smaller whole numbers.

Many crop circles have also appeared in England consisting of or containing the Vesica Pisces design in various ways. In a 1996 crop circle with the shape of the Vesica Pisces, a terrific surge of energy could be felt while walking into the center portion where the two circles overlapped.