Reclaiming our Mythic Mojo
Toward the end of my last column I said: "We can reclaim our enchanted relationship to the world. All we need do is choose to experience the world as a living being. The world is waiting for our return and responds quickly."
Choosing to experience the world alive makes my life sparkle. Yesterday evening offers a prime example.
Here’s the story: My friend Jeff and I had little time to compare notes before our Joseph Campbell Roundtable discussion last night. I felt a little bit anxious about that because our topic was none other than COSMOLOGY…I mean wow, that’s big! And I wasn’t sure if we were on the same page, though my wise self knew spirit was taking care of all that REALLY.
But to make sure I am calm, grounded, and trusting, the dogs take me for a walk in the wood right before I leave to co-facilitate the discussion.
Just as we are exiting the forest, a frog quite literally growls RIBBET in my left ear. Seriously, it did. I know it is speaking directly to me. I look but don’t see him or her so I can’t tell you if it had a gold ball in its mouth but it loudly and clearly spoke to me. RIBBET or is it RIVET! ? And I know it represents the frog from the story Jeff and I had told the last time, the version of the Frog Prince where the frog suffers a splat not a kiss at the end. ( See Issue 5 )
Riveted by the gravely voice, so deeply resonant with import, I stop. This voice emanates from a singular guy or gal who sounds robust. It speaks up several more times before I bow in gratitude and leave.
This exchange alerts me to the power of the Frog Prince story, so I’m not surprised when the roundtable discussion spends two-thirds of our time delving deeply into it. Jeff and I even had to retell it. The diversity of perspectives opens my mind to ideas I would never have discovered on my own. And I realize a different kind of cosmology is manifesting. This is not the origins of the universe without, but the burgeoning of infinite galaxies within. As each of us wraps our proverbial arms around this old Frog Prince story, we’re discovering treasures of insight and epiphanies of creative thought buried within our Selves. Our words strung together to form sentences flow forth from the interior mystery, our ability to talk the essence of creativity though most of us never notice that as the miracle it is. Here we sit in an endless stream of possibilities generated by a few humans attempting to make meaning by using their imaginations. Awe-full!
In My Shoes: Choosing an Enchanted Life
Vol 1, Issue 6,October 2014