Creative Sacred Living Magazine November 2014 | Page 59

Growing medicinal herbs is becoming more popular

amongst many families and cultures of today. With the

increased awareness of the benefits of herbs many are opting

to use medicinal herbs as an alternative to modern pharmaceutical medications.

Historically, medicinal herbs were used as the only means of treating and healing. In addition to this, herbs were valued for their benefits in such that many cultures used them as a form of currency, clothing, food and shelter. Medicinally, herbs are used to treat a number of ailments such as in the treatment of athletes feet, fungi, bad breath, menstrual discomfort, headaches, stomach aches, some cancers, ulcers, skin disorders, hair loss, infertility, menopause, depression, cuts, abrasions, colds, diarrhea, constipation, high blood pressure, insomnia, etc.

Medicinal herbs are organically cultivated on the planet earth, but you too can cultivate these herbs in your very own garden, indoors or out. Some herbs like mint and basil should always be grown in pots because they have a tendency to grow wild and all over the place, literally.

The following is a list of medicinal herbs that are also interchangeable and can be used for culinary purposes as well. These herbs are, mint, dandelion, lavender, thyme, oregano, chamomile, catnip, nettle, rosemary, wormwood, basil, jasmine, ginkgo biloba, fennel, garlic, clover, coneflower-Echinacea, ginseng and so on.

A general rule of thumb to remember when caring for medicinal herbs is rather simple. You first want to be familiar with the plants that you are growing as this should ultimately determine how you cultivate your plant. For instance, dandelion should be allotted plenty of space in a container or yard to grow comfortably because its roots system requires it. The roots of this plant need plenty of room to grow properly and to its fullest potential as this is the part of the plant that is traditionally used for medicinal purposes. My advice is to always know what type of soil, the amount of water, sunlight, space and food your plant requires to thrive and flourish at its best.

After your herbs have matured you may want to share them with friends or family. With this in mind, know that you have options to accomplish this. Your plants can be used and broken down in many different forms. In my opinion, fresh herbs are always best and more potent than any other form it can be utilized in. These forms include tinctures, extracts, poultices, sits baths, syrups, juices, teas, salves, aromatherapy oils, vapor treatments, capsules, lozenges, ointments, etc.

So, as you can see, growing medicinal herbs and having them readily available in the event they are needed is a true asset to ones home and family life. Herbs are food from the earth and cultivating your very own fresh medicinal herbs will provide you and your loved ones with some of the best gifts that mother-nature has to offer.

Growing & Healing

With Medicinal Herbs